How to charge for bookings/requests for host

Level 2
Ardara, Ireland

How to charge for bookings/requests for host

Need some help/advice on what to charge for taking bookings.


I am a host, I look after the bookings, messages etc for my property & have my co-host look after the cleaning & key for self check in as I live in a different town. So I just pay for cleaning here.

I am also a co-host for three properties where I currently live. I look after all the bookings, message & cleaning for these properties. I charge for the cleaning by the hour & the host usually rounds up the amount paid for dealing with the message /booking requests/enquirers.

Have been asked if I would take on the bookings & message for some new properties (4 on one site) by another person. Essentially manage the Airbnb app. I wont have to meet for check in, organise the cleaning or attend the property. How do I charge for this service? Price it my message/booking? What sort of amount should I charge?


Any help would be greatly appreciated.






3 Replies 3
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Louise337  I hope you are well.


If you're going to be working as a virtual assistant, and not having to be physically present or deal with organising and managing cleaners and other services etc for this new client, then maybe consider charging a flat fee per booking.


You already have the experience of manging bookings, so you have an idea of how much time dealing with a booking online takes up for you, from the point of a guest enquiring to checking-out, so maybe base it on what you'd be happy earning on an hourly rate x rough time calculation.


Remember to think about what you'd do/charge in a situation where you communicate with guests, and they don't end up booking, or they cancel at some point before arriving and so on and so forth.


Best wishes



Hi Paul, Thanks for your reply. I didn’t get any notification for your message, so only seeing it now. Maybe I’ll go through other bookings I have taken & work out the average amount of messages sent & received. I know all booking/enquires are different. It a difficult one to price.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

You're welcome @Louise337 


Absolutely they're all different! Some much quicker and easier than others 🙂


Perhaps think about pricing that factors in the top end of your time taken.


Best wishes with it all.