I am a tour guide in Chicago, hosting 2 different experience...
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I am a tour guide in Chicago, hosting 2 different experiences on Airbnb (a photography walking tour and Chinatown food tour!)...
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How can we encourage newcomers to participate in the Community Centre?
There are probably many seasoned Hosts who have never been here or have visited and been put off for some reason. It can be a tough environment and I do not appreciate this.
I was thinking that new Hosts might be directed here as part of a their 'inset' or orientation where they will have the opportunity to learn more and to ask questions or to make the kind of suggestions that fresh faces and fresh perspectives can bring. But I do feel that an element of self-help and of reciprocity is warranted with an expectation that everyone will take their turn. How would it be if Hosts were allocated periods when they are 'on-duty' and expected to respond to Guests and to other Hosts?
In the long run having an element of self-help makes good economic sense. It also contributes to shaping the organisation in the way we would like it to be. An appreciative and supportive place. Any thoughts???????
Hi all, in response to your original question "How can we encourage newcomers to participate in the Community Centre?". An answer from recent personal experience is the App Updates and Phone settings did not allow a smooth login or automatic login to the Community Center (CC). Therefore the majority of time CC was only easy to read not participate. The App opens to CC via the menu options however your not automatically logged in and then just pressing login (via Gmail quick button option) would bring up a blank white screen with only a back arrow in the top right hand corner. Was able to finally login through the App (not via Laptop or Desktop) now through using the telephone number / receive a text pin system. The App (on our main phone at least) does not let a CC login happen via Facebook or Google quick button methods at the login screen for CC. Responding / accessing CC for the first time in a while now having used the phone method to access the app. Anyway, thanks for helping to keep the CC helpful and fresh. Maybe a moderator here can ask Airbnb to look at the App / CC login glitch. Personally we are not fans of needing text pins to login all the time to things - especially now that banks are all about this. In regards to CC, despite some tangents most of what is said and published here in CC for us has been helpful be it a positive or negative post. Either side of a post can be seen through our own lens of yes that was useful or no that was not. Normally I read CC posts and threads without logging in as it just saves time. Some of the most helpful CC's have been in regards to how / what happens with bad guests. It is amazing how much stress can disappear just knowing that it hasn't just happened to us. We like Airbnb and use it exclusively to accept bookings for our home / hostel. Key reasons are the less stress knowing that possibily Airbnb could help us insurance wise should something horrible happen. The other main reason is the App and the system is just user friendly and well subscribed.
I think this is a very supportive group. Having said that, posts tend to fall into the same general categories:
1) Guests mistreating the property
2) Guests demanding refunds
3) Hosts asking for remodeling feedback
4) Hosts asking for amenity feedback
5) High-maintenance guests (questions, complaining, demands for service and/or extra amenities)
6) Issues with the Airbnb desktop application or mobile app
7) Hosts asking for booking strategy feedback
8 ) Hosts asking for strategies dealing with Airbnb customer service
There are a few more (like hosts asking about House Rules wording, hosts wanting listing description and photo feedback, etc.) but the point is that the same kinds of questions tend to be asked over and over again by different hosts.
It’s possible that many hosts are getting far more help than you think from this group. Hosts can search on keywords and tags and pull up a plethora of information and advice on the above topics, based on previous answers. Many times I won’t answer a question because an inquiring host can do a search and be presented with a much more comprehensive list of answers, including any answers I might be able to provide.
It would be interesting to see a breakdown of posts and searches per category. That way, this group can see where we might be able to contribute more effectively. Also, it can produce content from past posts that can be displayed to the poster, thereby eliminating the need to create redundant posts.
Besides getting answers to questions, some hosts just want to converse with other hosts to receive advice, affirmation, comfort and support. Sometimes the poster is just frustrated and wants to vent, and desires camaraderie rather than answers. This community is great for that kind of collaboration as well. It’s nice to know other hosts understand and empathize with the various joys and frustrations that come with hosting.
Totally agree @Pat271 .
Absolutely brilliant and very well put. I would love to see the breakdown that you mention. I wonder if this is something that the Admins could help with? @Liv @Stephanie @Quincy
Yes the venting. Especially when we're lucky enough to connect with the listening types its so great and does feel very supportive.
Thanks so much for your uplifting comment.
I would like to agree with @Pat271 here, I read this board to learn, but because I am a new host I do not feel like I have much to contribute. I have used the search to find answers to some questions, and sometimes just read for general information. I appreciate all the time that the frequent posters here contribute!
This forum is open to anyone who wants to post here. There is no need to come up with ways to encourage and attract new posters. Anyone who wanrs to finds the forum, it 8sn't some hidden thing.
The nature of online forums is that they have a diversity of opinion and posters have myriad ways of expressing themselves.
We are all adults here. If people can't handle everyone not agreeing with them or are so sensitive that they scurry off licking their wounds because they can't handle the fact that not everyone sugar coats what they say, that's their problem- they should stay away from online forums.
The moderators do a great job here. Nothing needs to be fixed and the notion that anyone should have some limit put on how often they can post or that they get forced into retirement is discriminatory and dictatorial.
If You want to increase the no of participants on the CC; I have a plain and simple proposal to make:
Let the number of thumbs up count towards the superhost evaluation.
Example: For every 50 thumbs up received, an automated 5* review will be creditet to a hosts review history.
I have received 19395 so far. 19395 divided by 50 would turn into 388 straight 5* reviews and I would be a stellar Superhost. Mary, not a joke: If airbnb would implement this feature, the CC would expolde with new participants and it would be flooded with posts.
Actually I think my idea isn't all that bad and I would herewith like to propose this new feature to airbnb.
Brilliant @Ute42 . Love it ... Go for it!! Why not .... Might be mileage in it.
Fantastic. xxxx
"Mary, not a joke: If airbnb would implement this feature, the CC would expolde with new participants and it would be flooded with posts".
Yeah, then the CC would be flooded with folks who simply cut and paste from hosting how-to articles on the internet, passing them off as their own comments, just to get likes. We already have one member who does this. One is one too many.
@Ute42 NO, just NO. At least your thumbs up are genuine.
I mean, of course we would have a plethora of new users but would we have a lot of new conversations? We wouldn't want to lose the purpose of the CC - hosts can get help and advice, and feel free to share stories and give feedback in a safe environment.
Though, you raise a good point and it's something we've been looking at building up for a while. It's called "Gamification" and we have a little bit of it with the levels you see by your username (though, if we're all honest, they are a bit of a mystery at the moment!)
Great conversation! Fantastic ideas and we're all just drinking them up with a paper straw 😌
Welcome @Stephanie .
Yay great to be able to put forward ideas that might be of service!
Personally I'm not sure about gamification. It doesn't motivate me but if it works for others.... I offer no barriers ....!!
I'm not sure if You have thoroughly thought about my proposal. I did not suggest that a post per se would help anyone for the Superhost assignment, I said the kudos would.
In other words: I wouldn't help anyone to mass-copy-and-paste some text from some place into the CC, what You need is to get kudos for what You have published!
On here You get kudos if a post is
Generally You don't get kudos for nonsens posts. People that are unable to write helpful, interesting or entertaining post would soon disappear from the forum bc they just wouldn't achieve anything.
As You said right now there is a little gamification element wich are the levels. And there is another one and that ist the top contributor list.
What else You could do is reward a „Post of the month“
4 categories:
most helpful
most interesting
most entertaining
most annoying
Without any doubt in september 2020 the most entertaining post would have been the thread
Puddles in Seattle
Stephanie pls note that I do know all the airbnb T&Cs. I know that I will not get any money if You implement my proposal. I don't need any money, just trying to be helpful.
@Mary996 @Colleen253 @Emilia42 @Branka-and-Silvia0 @Sarah977
Love it @Ute42 .
A monthly acknowledgement of your categories is inspired. I really do like the thought and positivity that you put into your comments. And also your ideas and proposals. You have a unifying factor!! Such a blessing, a skill and an art.
I would exclude 'most annoying' because that would tend to promote negativity and members feeling attacked.... but otherwise I love it.
I would really like more detail about what you might be proposing, and what you meant or are possibly considering and thinking through.... as it really raised the energy yet again here. It doesn't have to be ready made ... keep the ideas flowing. No one to stamp on you just keep thinking it through because I feel you are going to come up with something wonderful that we can all support. Take your time to get this right. Love you Ute and your fun factor but also your serious and reflective side xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |Thank you very much for being here. We are privileged to have another bilingual in you and others participating such as @Branka-and-Silvia0 who may also speak several languages. These talents impress me so much. I am limited to English, French and some German but its dropped off the scale really as I haven't practised. xx
Better Ute ... better. God you are so entertaining and gripping. But I really must drag myself off to bed. Trying to get earlier nights in my efforts to be a better person see xxxxxxx
@Colleen253 Agreed. There is already a lot of misinformation on this forum which greatly confuses new users. In addition to the "thumbs up," I wish there was a "Not confirmed" or "outdated" button.