I have some clients that want to rent my Airbnb while they l...
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I have some clients that want to rent my Airbnb while they look for and close on a home. They want to rent from the end of Ma...
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How can we encourage newcomers to participate in the Community Centre?
There are probably many seasoned Hosts who have never been here or have visited and been put off for some reason. It can be a tough environment and I do not appreciate this.
I was thinking that new Hosts might be directed here as part of a their 'inset' or orientation where they will have the opportunity to learn more and to ask questions or to make the kind of suggestions that fresh faces and fresh perspectives can bring. But I do feel that an element of self-help and of reciprocity is warranted with an expectation that everyone will take their turn. How would it be if Hosts were allocated periods when they are 'on-duty' and expected to respond to Guests and to other Hosts?
In the long run having an element of self-help makes good economic sense. It also contributes to shaping the organisation in the way we would like it to be. An appreciative and supportive place. Any thoughts???????
Hi all, in response to your original question "How can we encourage newcomers to participate in the Community Centre?". An answer from recent personal experience is the App Updates and Phone settings did not allow a smooth login or automatic login to the Community Center (CC). Therefore the majority of time CC was only easy to read not participate. The App opens to CC via the menu options however your not automatically logged in and then just pressing login (via Gmail quick button option) would bring up a blank white screen with only a back arrow in the top right hand corner. Was able to finally login through the App (not via Laptop or Desktop) now through using the telephone number / receive a text pin system. The App (on our main phone at least) does not let a CC login happen via Facebook or Google quick button methods at the login screen for CC. Responding / accessing CC for the first time in a while now having used the phone method to access the app. Anyway, thanks for helping to keep the CC helpful and fresh. Maybe a moderator here can ask Airbnb to look at the App / CC login glitch. Personally we are not fans of needing text pins to login all the time to things - especially now that banks are all about this. In regards to CC, despite some tangents most of what is said and published here in CC for us has been helpful be it a positive or negative post. Either side of a post can be seen through our own lens of yes that was useful or no that was not. Normally I read CC posts and threads without logging in as it just saves time. Some of the most helpful CC's have been in regards to how / what happens with bad guests. It is amazing how much stress can disappear just knowing that it hasn't just happened to us. We like Airbnb and use it exclusively to accept bookings for our home / hostel. Key reasons are the less stress knowing that possibily Airbnb could help us insurance wise should something horrible happen. The other main reason is the App and the system is just user friendly and well subscribed.
@Ute42 I just wanted to kudo your post. I'm one of those task-oriented people who often wants to go straight to the answer of the question, and I always forget about the niceties like praising and thanking people. 🙂
Very stressful, trying to remember all this.
I have everything that I have ever published on here in one word-document, it has hundrets of pages. The last 50 pages of that document is text that I have never published.
Sometimes I start writing something late in the evening, get tired and go to bed. The next day when I want to finish my post, I have lost interest in the subject.
Then I write something, read it back to myself and realise: Ute, this is nonsense what You just wrote.
Or I write something over the course of 2 days, but meanwhile the conversation has taken a different direction and I feel it doesn't fit in there anymore.
Very often it happens that a joke that I'm working on doesn't live up the the entertainment stardards set forth by myself. Also, I have never published some of my very best jokes bc they are just too hard and too tough, they would get deleted anyway.
As You can see I do a lot of work for the waste paper basket.
This thread is starting to become interesting.
@Ute42 of course, now everyone will want to see those jokes.
I often edit my posts several times, after walking away, thinking some more , and then changing or adding something to clarify.
Because sometimes I realize what I just wrote makes no sense to me.
“Also, I have never published some of my very best jokes bc they are just too hard and too tough.”
That’s really a shame. I hate to think we are missing out on ‘upper level @Ute42‘, but you’re right. This platform probably couldn’t handle it. 😎
@Ute42 @Michelle53 It really is stressful, if you aren't a person who takes things really personally, isn't thin-skinned, and don't require constant supportive words and validation, to remember that not everyone is like that.
I actually quite dislike being praised and told I'm this or that positive thing. I know that sounds weird, but I had a mentally ill, narcissistic mother who never saw me for who I was, but as an extension of herself. She was constantly telling me that I was so beautiful, so smart, so talented, so this, so that, and showing me off to her friends.
So I have a strong aversion to being fussed over and personally complimented. That doesn't extend to appreciating knowing if I've helped someone, or that others agree with something I've said, or guests complimenting my home, or clients praising the upholstery work I've done for them, but personal praise, nah.
@Sarah977 I don't answer questions much. Usually I reserve responses for a domain I am comfortable with.
I also don't feel the need for effusive praise, since I answer those types of questions all day long at my other job.
I am sorry I caused frustration to you and other members.🙏
I mistakenly used the Airbnb system to work. As in the Airbnb help article, 'Hosts with six or more listings have access to features that allow them to create and edit rule-sets.
Emma and Jozsef0 have a single listing, I have a multiple listing and use the tool without a problem but I didn't clearly state this in my post. You, mike-and-Jane0 kindly corrected the error before it became an issue.
Again, I apologize and understand my action was disappointing. 🙏
I value you as an experienced contributor and hope we can move past this incident. I'm open to any feedback you may have for me.
I want to take this opportunity to sincerely apologize to Collen, Alexandra, Ute, Helen and Sarah for my actions in some post-setting tone that hurt your feelings. 🙏
I promise it won't happen again because I wish our Airbnb community to create a positive work-life balance to make sure of it. I hope that you will be able to continue to trust me as a new contributor.
Members like yours are an inspiration to all the new members.
You're the best.👍
@Colleen253 @Alexandra316 @Helen3 @Branka-and-Silvia0 @Pat271 @Fiona256 @Suzanne302 @Mark116 @Ann72 @Linda108 and @Sarah977 You knock off my feet 🙏
You truly make a difference and I'm extremely grateful!
“thank you” doesn’t do justice to how deeply I appreciate your support.
J'apprecie beaucoup votre soutien 🙏
@Stephanie to be honest, I don’t know how you manage to do such a good job to every single time. And Your team of quality work remains unprecedented in our community. Very well done!
To all wonderful host,
I'm getting so nervous.....
Airbnb’s May 24, 2021, Special announcement?
".........now, a new guest on Airbnb will be able to go from signing up to confirming a reservation in just 60 seconds."
My bad!
Tnx @Dale711 for your kind words, apology accepted, and sorry if I‘ve been rough with you at some point.
Unfortunately Airbnb’s inputs and explanations are not always correct and not always applied in practice and you are not the only one confused with it. I often remember the words I’ve heard from my lawyer: “The best lawyer is not the one who knows the law but the one who knows the practice and the holes in the law”
When giving an advice try to stick to the situations you experienced by yourself and are 100% sure you know how it goes and what the poster really needs to know.
With your willing to help and your passion I am sure you will soon become experienced and valuable member of this community 🙂
No hard feelings, peace brothers 🥂👍
Hi all, in response to your original question "How can we encourage newcomers to participate in the Community Centre?". An answer from recent personal experience is the App Updates and Phone settings did not allow a smooth login or automatic login to the Community Center (CC). Therefore the majority of time CC was only easy to read not participate. The App opens to CC via the menu options however your not automatically logged in and then just pressing login (via Gmail quick button option) would bring up a blank white screen with only a back arrow in the top right hand corner. Was able to finally login through the App (not via Laptop or Desktop) now through using the telephone number / receive a text pin system. The App (on our main phone at least) does not let a CC login happen via Facebook or Google quick button methods at the login screen for CC. Responding / accessing CC for the first time in a while now having used the phone method to access the app. Anyway, thanks for helping to keep the CC helpful and fresh. Maybe a moderator here can ask Airbnb to look at the App / CC login glitch. Personally we are not fans of needing text pins to login all the time to things - especially now that banks are all about this. In regards to CC, despite some tangents most of what is said and published here in CC for us has been helpful be it a positive or negative post. Either side of a post can be seen through our own lens of yes that was useful or no that was not. Normally I read CC posts and threads without logging in as it just saves time. Some of the most helpful CC's have been in regards to how / what happens with bad guests. It is amazing how much stress can disappear just knowing that it hasn't just happened to us. We like Airbnb and use it exclusively to accept bookings for our home / hostel. Key reasons are the less stress knowing that possibily Airbnb could help us insurance wise should something horrible happen. The other main reason is the App and the system is just user friendly and well subscribed.
Good to know. Thanks @Hello6
@Stephanie @Nick @Liv @Quincy Ref to access to CC problems
In addition to needing to login using the telephone number text pin verification when using the App now the CC login requires an additional pin be sent to the email address on file. Just a heads up. More steps up the mountain = less traffic 🙂
Maybe the new room for new host will help. It can be very helpful here but sometimes not so helpful if some of the regulars are in a bad mood that day.
I've always meant to say this so apologize if its off topic but does raise some issues. Once a new person posted here that had a clear mental issue. They were looking for their uncle who claimed worked for the company but hadn't talked to them in decades or something. Well, once it became clear that this individual was showing signs of dilution, others here became delighted and encouraged this person to continue on with this pattern. Soon it turned into a murder plot, that was clearly an unhealthy and repetitive behavior. I know the US must seem like a crazy place, but I was really disappointed and didn't want to chime in because I was afraid this person might try and book my place as he/she wasn't that far away, but shouldn't be too harsh as even some of the admins were confused. But I think most people, myself included, might feel vulnerable at times, as anyone can be reading these. So maybe make it optional if host want to share their listing in their profile.
Oh the only person here who spoke up and thought this wasn't healthy pattern and just not the right place for the delusional person was @Sarah977 Of course I got over it all pretty quick but never got to chime in at the time because I didn't want to take any risk with person within driving distance. However, there could be many more people who might see things differently, and to some extent we all do because its just words on the screen, which leads to misunderstandings. I suppose if other host can't offer a few nice words maybe shouldn't comment. I know I was in my own little world even after hosting six months and thought a 4 on location was the beginning of the end, but reality is host are dealing with so many people unexpected things will happen.