How to file a complaint against the Airbnb itself?

Level 1
England, United Kingdom

How to file a complaint against the Airbnb itself?

Airbnb has managed to destroy our holiday. They have twice canceled our reservations, even though I had updated my payment method and put the correct card (we lost the previous one). It was clearly a fault of their system but they're not owning up. Also as a result I have lost the coupon I used for one of the reservations, as they didn't restore it, and have had to pay a lot more money to book the same addresses becaue the prices had gone up. This all plus spending hours and hours on the phone, not being called back and speaking to client service that was misleading (they incorrectly told me my account was blocked!). 


We have used Airbnb for many years but this is way too much. It destroyed our holidays. I have written and asked for compensation but they don't do anything. At the very least they must restore the coupon and refund the additional money. Also my account shows two cancelations while it was them who cancelled. I think the MUST do something to restore our trust. What do you advise I did? Thanks

5 Replies 5
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Michelle2240 try complaining on Twitter - They don't like bad publicity

Thanks.  After many many many exchanges they've offered me $60 coupon!!!! How amazing! I have wasted a lot of money and time as well as what was mine (the coupon I used to have was a refund for an airbnb which was infestated! yes, that's another thing). I think the Airbnb has gone down big time. 

Level 1
England, United Kingdom

Are there any other answers please? There must be a way to file a complaint. I did the Twitter but no help really

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Michelle2240 there is no way to file a complaint with Airbnb. It is a very clever ploy to not get complaints! 

You could try a small claims court case but I don't know if you would succeed and you would certainly need a 'financial loss' to claim

@Mike-And-Jane0 This whole thing has cost me several hundred pounds and I can't get any proper response from them... This is aside all the stress they caused me that ruined my holidays.