How to send a Direct Message: A CC Tutorial

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

How to send a Direct Message: A CC Tutorial

CC Tutorials.png


Hi all,


Next up in our series of CC Tutorials is sending Direct Messages! Some of you may not be aware of this feature but it's a great way of speaking to other hosts (or admins) in a more private way :-).


The Direct Messaging system is set up to allow Hosts to message other Hosts and any Community Members to message Admins (and vice versa) - so as with most features, you need to make sure you are logged in first!


There are 3 ways that you can send a Direct Message to someone in the Community Center:


Method 1


Step 1: When on the Homepage/in a board/in a thread, hover over the recipient's profile picture and click on the 'Send message' button. You will find this works best if you move your mouse up over the picture to then click on the button as it pops up - if you move your mouse down or across the pop-up box can disappear.

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Step 2: You will now see a pop up where you can simply write your message and click 'Send'! Please note - you will not be able to click on the 'Send' button unless you have something in the 'Subject' box as well as the main message box so don't forget to include it!



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Method 2


Step 1: If you clicked on 'View profile' on the pop-up box shown above because you wanted to look at someone's profile, you can send a message to them from here too. Simply click on the turquoise 'Send message' button in the top right-hand corner.


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Step 2: You will see the exact same pop-up window as in Step 2 of Method 1 above, so follow the same instructions!



Method 3


Step 1: The final method involves you going to your CC Inbox (see this CC tutorial to see how to access your inbox). When in your Inbox, you will see the button 'New Message' in the top right-hand corner - click there.



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Step 2: You will now see the form below. This layout is different to the previous two, as you haven't yet identified who you are sending the message to. You need to do so by typing the recipient's name in the '*Send to' box - Community Members with that name will appear in a drop-down list. Scroll down to find the person you want to send it to (you can use their profile picture to identify them) and click on their name.



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Step 3: Give the message a subject in the 'Message subject' box, type your message in the main box, click 'Send Message' and you're done!



Tip: When you've finished writing your message, it's worth highlighting it all and copying it (right-click+copy/ cmd+C / ctrl+C) before pressing send, just in case something prevents it from sending (e.g. you're not logged in, it times out) - if that happens then you can go back and paste (right-click+paste/ cmd+V / ctrl+V) and send it again!


So as you can see there are various ways you can send a message to another Community Member - you may find Method 1 the easiest way but you can experiment!



I hope you find this tutorial helpful!  












Please follow the Community Guidelines // Volg de communityrichtlijnen

14 Replies 14
Level 10
Pamplemousses, Mauritius

@Quincy A good tutorial to educate the novice on the community! Please note that sometimes when i want to reply directly to the private messages the message does not go through. 

Hello, Everyone.


Thanks to Airbnb for this award, it gives me one more reason to improve and better satisfy my guests!


Welcome you to Boston, MIT and Harvard!



bom dia,


Gostava de ser co anfitrião como posso fazer para ser na minha zona de morada?




Level 1
Balneário Camboriú, Brazil

Olá a todos Podem me ajudar com essa questão, por favor.

Encontrei uma propriedade fora do site do Airbnb e troquei emails com o possível anfitrião, ele me passou um link do Airbnb é possível que seja roubo?

Ele me fala em sua mensagem que se eu estiver pronta para iniciar o arrendamento da probidade e me informou como funciona o serviço e me passou estas informações 

Primeiro eu tenho que fazer a reserva, após a reserva feita ele pode me enviar o link Airbnb. O Airbnb enviará uma notificação para informar que eles têm as chaves e o contrato. Em seguida, solicitarão a confirmação do pagamento do primeiro mês e o depósito de segurança (550 € + 550 €). O Airbnb também fornecerá mais instruções sobre o depósito em dinheiro dentro de 24 horas. Depois que o pagamento for confirmado, o agente do Airbnb indicado entrará em contato com você para visitar o apartamento e assinar o contrato, se você concordar.

Se tudo estiver bem, você terá que informar o Airbnb para transferir o dinheiro para minha conta. Se você não quiser alugar o apartamento, o agente do Airbnb lhe dará o reembolso total (€ 1100) imediatamente e você deverá devolver as chaves e o contrato. Se você está 100% interessado em alugar o apartamento com o procedimento que lhe explique, pode fazer a reserva. ele me pede a cópia do meu ID, passaporte ou outra forma de identificação para fazer o contrato. 

Confere estas informações, ele é Italiano e tem o apartamento aqui em Lisboa, eu não sei se é possível enviar um email para o Airbnb com  o link para conferir se realmente é verdadeiro.  Se alguém puder me ajudar agradeço, muito obrigada. 

Level 2
Greenville, SC

Hi Quincy, the user I'm trying to direct message doesn't have any of these 3 options available. Why is that?

nice thread!!!

Level 1
Erie, PA

Hello, my name is Carrie and I'm from Erie Pennsylvania.  I live in Millcreek Township and I would like to message other Airbnb hosts in my area to find out how they were granted a variance in zoning for their Airbnb.  When i called the Township they said there is no possible way a variance would be granted.  

Level 10
Santa Catarina, Brazil

Bom dia Lizza

obrigada por nós manter informados!

tenha um Bom dia!

att Loni


Host Advisory Board Member
New Delhi, India

Hello Im trying to send a message using the above method but looks like it doesnt work anymore, can someone help?image.png


Here are just 2 questions I wanted to ask the following , @Quincy if you can help

(sorry if this should have been a direct message but I couldn't find a way)

  1. I noticed community hub for Airbnb plus, is there something similar we can do for OEs - Online Experiences?
  2. How does levels work on community center and what is criteria of rising up the levels - also how do they help, are there any privileges associated with higher levels 

Thanks in advance

Passionate about life!




You ask:


  • How does levels work on community center and what is criteria of rising up the levels


The more You post on the CC the higher You rise in levels. It has nothing to do with the quality of Your posts, it's just about the numbers.



  • are there any privileges associated with higher levels


No, there aren't. Actually, the more You post on here the more contradiction You get. All the regular contributors to this forum really need a thick skin.



Host Advisory Board Member
New Delhi, India

Hahaha @Ute42 thankyou for honest reply 🙂 I'll keep a track.


How long have you been here, woah you have level 10 already!


Also, after how many posts / count does the level rise?


thanks again

Passionate about life!

Have same issues, did you ever figure it out?

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

@Anupam17 It should now work for you, let me know if you need any more help though! 🙂



Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center/ Please follow the Community Guidelines

Top Contributor
Willits, CA

Thank you @Quincy 

I had no idea!