How to turn off rating requests for a regular guest

Level 1
Johannesburg, South Africa

How to turn off rating requests for a regular guest

I have a regular guest who comes a few days every week. He gets asked to rate my service every time. It is driving him nuts. How do I let AirBnB know to turn off his rating requests?


4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Why would you not want to guest to review you every time he stays?  Reviews count towards your Superhost status and  help other guests decide whether to stay with you. @Ilse92 


It only takes him a minute or so to leave a review, so hopefully if you explain how important they are to you, he will leave them for each visit.


If he doesn't want to review you (a shame for you) he can just ignore the request.

Level 1
Johannesburg, South Africa

he has already left countless reviews. It looks weird - all the reviews from one person. It doesn't help me at all. And he can't ignore the requests, because there are so many reminders it clogs up his inbox. 

Level 10
Quilcene, WA

@Ilse92 I don't think you can get Airbnb to stop sending those reminders. One option could be for your guest to set up an email filter to block them. Some hosts accept repeat guests privately (off Airbnb)-- if you decide to go that route, be sure not to use the Airbnb platform to arrange it.

Level 1
Johannesburg, South Africa

I will ask him to use a filter/block. Good idea, thanks!