I am very confused by this new Community Center

Level 10
Frederick, MD

I am very confused by this new Community Center

Just saying. 


Where is the host only, non-searchable forum? I thought that was super helpful. 

8 Replies 8
Level 10
Jersey City, NJ

@Laura2592  Isn't that still 'host circle'?  I would guess that creating all of these sub categories which are not really very clear cut and somewhat overlapping will decrease engagement.  Now, if you want to see what is being discussed, instead of clicking recent 1x, you have to go into all the categories and see what is in each one.  It will also mean that people will constantly be putting their threads in the 'wrong' category.   Another one of those things that sounds good on paper but in the real world does not actually facilitate the goals of communication.  

@Mark116 lol I can't figure out how to get back there! I am not even given the option anymore-- my whole layout is different, and Connect with Hosts Near You leads me here. Overnight all has changed. Let me keep noodling. 

@Laura2592  Scroll all the way to the bottom, or sometimes I see it on the top, it should be last of the new categories.

I can’t see host circle anymore either. Too bad

@Laura2592 whilst I agree, at least they've gotten rid of those old boards that were years old with no new content, talking about old programs that no longer exist. But where is "critique my listing" ?
oh right, they took away our chance to see hosts' listings.... 

why on earth would they do that? we are doing free Support for new hosts.

they also forget to included a dedicated board for guests. 

and my joking-not-joking suggestion: a ranting board.... somewhere to go to vent and just be soothed by other hosts. 🙃

Level 10
Rawai, Thailand



Dont worry you'll get used to it

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Laura2592 


On the main forum landing page, far right, big yellow tile 🙂







Please follow the Community Guidelines 

It doesn’t always show up. Saw it yesterday and not today