I feel that the guest just simply leave a review

I feel that the guest just simply leave a review

hi the guest didn't feedback anything but left me a very bad review

2 Replies 2

@Florence623 I don't know what you mean by "the guest didn't feedback," because the review is in itself a form of feedback. Your last 4 consecutive reviews all contained critical comments, I'm not sure which one of them you're referring to as "bad." Your best recourse is to write cordial Host Responses, which you've already done, although they didn't address all of the concerns outlined by the guests.


Based on these reviews it sounds like there are persistent issues with the cleanliness of your facilities and the state of your furnishings. It might be a good idea to pause your listing for awhile and make some real improvements, not just a coat of paint on the ceiling. 

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Florence623  You earlier reviews are good and say the place was clean, but your recent reviews all say it was dirty and in need of repairs. However, they do indicate that you are a nice host. Has there been a change of cleaners lately? If so, I would suggest you get new cleaners and make sure they are doing a good job- if you continue to get reviews like this, you won't be getting many more bookings. And, as Andrew said, you might need to put some time and $ into sprucing the place up. It sounds like there's a lot more that could use improvement than some ceiling paint.

As far as feedback, are you talking about the guest not letting you know that things weren't okay during their stay? If the place is dirty and run-down, what would be the point of your most recent guest letting you know that during the stay? You've already had reviews saying it wasn't clean,and you seemingly haven't done anything to correct that.