Goodsfternoon, I am making contact with you to inform you th...
Goodsfternoon, I am making contact with you to inform you that I will be proceeding with legal action against Air BnB due to ...
I have to questions
I I need to cancel all my guests till summer because I have I daughter that is in the risk group. The house that I rent out is next to the house where me and my children lives. I have canceled everyone and I got a fee 50 usd per guest to pay. How can you help me?
2. my guests now are changing the last dates all the time. And the request me to change their payment all the time. They can’t even give me the last date.. now they changed from 16 June to 11 may . And for some minutes ago they emailed me and told me that they would maybe change the date to even earlier than 11 May. Are guest allowed to to like this?
please call or write in Swedish.
Thank you in advance !
best regards Maria
@Familjen1 you would need to contact airbnb and make them assist you with penalty free cancellation. A proof from your doctor may be needed.
As for changing dates, it would be up to you to accept or decline.
This forum is in English to benefit all forum users, I could write to you in Norwegian, but the replies are meant to be helpful also to those with similar questions.
@Familjen1 This is just a discussion forum for hosts and guests. You need to contact Airbnb customer service.
för att svara på din första fråga, alla bokningar som du redan har avbokat måste du kontakta kundtjänst och se om de kommer att sänka avgifterna. eller bokningar som du inte har avbokat men tänker, bara vänta tills det faller under förmildrande omständigheter och du kan avbryta dem strafffritt.
När det gäller dig andra frågan måste eventuella ändringar av de datum som gästen gör godkännas av dig först. Du kommer att meddelas y e-post att gästen vill ändra datum och du kommer att ha möjlighet att godkänna eller neka det. Om det finns några ändringar i de pengar som debiteras systemet kommer automatiskt att göra ändringarna och låta dig veta vad skillnaden var.
Även om det finns ändringar i det totala systemet automatiskt gör ändringarna och informerar dig om dem i e-postmeddelandet med ändringsbegäran
@Familjen1 Bookings placed before 14 March, with a check in date on or before 31 May, can currently be cancelled by the host without penalty. But under your circumstances I would suggest getting Airbnb's assistance with the bookings beyond this point. If any of your summer bookings were confirmed after 14 March, you may have to accept penalties on those.
On the date changes - guests can always request changes, but it's up to you whether you approve them.