As a graphic designer, I believe that design is a powerful t...
As a graphic designer, I believe that design is a powerful tool for communication and storytelling. With a lot's of experienc...
A presumably single white woman smiling while showing a black male stranger into her high end (million dollar?) suburban home. She's not even opening just the 1 heavy fancy wood door, she's got BOTH doors w-i-d-e open to show she is REALLY ok with this. Does anyone else chuckle at this besides me? Where does airbnb get these pics? They must stage them.
"Oh hi, come this way into my multi million dollar suburban mansion. You can tell by the $10k doors that this isn't just an average middle income house. You needed a room for the night for $69 right? I know you asked for a discount but $69 is my lowest rate. The local $109 budget motel was too expensive for you I see. Come this way and I will show you to our $69/nite guest room. The door knob costs more than your reservation so please respect my home. I'm sure you've read all of our rules and won't break any of them. Ok great! Sleep well. I know I will!"
@Donald28 Not sure what you are suggesting here, that a woman can’t host to a black man because what?
Maybe he is able to pay for a $250 a night peaceful night away from a noisy hotel .
Not sure what you are suggesting here either. I am also a single female host (albeit not white and not white but with a home worth a bit more than $1 million - not boasting, but bought it for a lot less and did it up).
I would personally not have any problem welcoming a single black man into my home. It has nothing to do with that. I vet every prospective guest, male or female, and regardless of race, in the same way. Not all of us are paranoid.
I think this is @Donald28 being VERY Donald-ish!
I too am a single white woman who welcomes black male guests into my home. - Doctors, nurses, graduate engineers, all very respectable!
I also welcomed a black male New Yorker, living in England, who told me, when I asked what he did for a living, that he grew marijuana! I WAS a little worried about that, cos it's illegal here in the UK! Tho' I welcomed him back for a second visit 4 days later!
Regarding the forum picture, the guest looks VERY respectable........
Yes, you can't always judge someone on their profession either. I had a professional poker player stay for a few weeks earlier this year. Some people might think that sounds dodgy, but it was all good. He bought me some very expensive champagne too when he won a massive £6,000 bonus one night 🙂
@Donald28 is just bored and trying to start a fight.
All I can think when I see that picture is that the woman needs a stylist and a new hairdresser. The guy looks nice, well-dressed, smart, and professional.
😂😂😂😘 Or you, darling!
Those are also the FIRST things my mrs. noticed Ann!
When I looked at the picture I thought the woman looked so happy to have a guest, and that the guy looks like Hill Harper.
@Donald28 If you had simply commented on the photos that accompany posts and such, I would have agreed with you that they are often somewhat silly or rather inappropriate, like a thread on sprucing up your place accompanied by a photo of a woman in rather nice looking clothes, with jewelry no less, painting chairs. Or a photo of guests lying in bed on their laptops, wearing what are obviously street clothes, on the clean sheets and pillow cases.
But instead, your post appears to be pointedly racist.
@Donald28I can't see the picture, but you've painted a good description of it. I don't get what you're saying either - that because the guy is black he couldn't possibly afford to stay in a fancy house? Or that he's potentially dangerous? Wow, way to stereotype. If the guy was white would you have posted this? As Airbnb hosts, we welcome strangers into our home all the time (yes, I'm a single female too). What earthly difference does the colour of their skin make?
Oh, I see the picture you mean. Wow, I honestly can't believe that this is what you think when you look at that photo. And you're an Airbnb host! As @Sarah977 said, your post is downright racist.
I think that maybe @Donald28 is not making a racist comment against the black man, but rather a point that the white woman would be too racist to be happily engaging in this scenario and ridiculing Airbnb for depicting such an unlikely situation. However, possibly he is basing it on the environment he is accustomed to, while the truth is that, although there are racists everywhere, there are also plenty of places where plenty of single, white, female hosts would not even consider this traveller’s race and gender an issue.
I thought since he mentions a $10K door that he's ridiculing airbnb that anyone would be renting out such an expensive place to random strangers for a few bucks a night, but I'm not really sure.