I think my account was hacked and now I have a booking I dont want

Level 1
Port Macquarie, Australia

I think my account was hacked and now I have a booking I dont want

I have always had instant bookings but had it set so that you could not automatically booked unless you had positive feedback from other hosts.

I received a  booking for 7 boys aged 18-19 years of age.  I only have a 3 bedroom house.  This boy only joined the same day, has never stayed at an Airbhb before but the system allowed him to book.  I contacted the boy and told him that Airbnb should not have accepted their booking.  I wanted to know a bit about him and he said they want to have a get together and want to be somewhere where they can drink and have a good time.  I told him we live next door and told him the property is not suited for 7 single boys as there are only 3 beds and a sofa bed.  He said it was OK they would sleep on the lounges or on the floor.  

I then told them that they are not allowed to bring other people onto the property to have a gathering and he asked why.  I would never have accepted this booking if I had the chance.  He did say one of the other boys booked an Airbnb last year on the south coast.  I asked if there were any issues and he said I don't really know, but this has sent alarm bells off in my head.

Has anyone ever had the same issue.  His booking is not until the end of January/February so I have time to cancel but it appears I will be penalised by Airbnb for doing so which seems unfair.  



7 Replies 7
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

If he doesn't meet your qualifications for IB call Airbnb and tell them they have allowed an IB from someone with no reviews which is against your settings and ask them to arrange a no penalty cancellation as you wouldn't have accepted the booking . 

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Maria14722 If what @Helen3 says doesn't work (although it should) then I believe you have 3 penalty free cancellations with IB. I would definitely use one here!

Level 10
Arkansas, United States



That situation is almost certain to be a disaster.


They have already stated an intent to break the rules and you can bet that some of them will be underage. They will also be inviting a number of young ladies who may be jail-bait.


Don’t worry about Airbnb penalties.  If this turns into a huge destructive drunken orgy Airbnb is likely to blame you for not preventing it.



Level 1
Port Macquarie, Australia

Airbnb cancelled the booking with no penalty thank heavens 

Level 10
Arkansas, United States



HURRAH! You win!


And so do the rest of us.


Thank you for taking out the trash.


Level 10
Alberta, Canada

@Maria14722 You’ve gotten great advice, so I can only add, to check your IB settings. I have had all my requirement boxes spontaneously unchecked before. Glitches on this platform are common enough that I check all my settings daily.

Level 10
Jersey City, NJ

@Maria14722  Call and message Airbnb right now to get a neutral cancellation.  Be very direct...1) your settings should not have accepted this booking in the first place, e.g. it's probably an Airbnb glitch, 2) the guest indicated he intended to break your rules about extra guests.


Hopefully that is enough to get a penalty free cancellation, because you absolutely do not want to host 7 young males out for a good time.