I’d say that for me, the conversion rate from inquiry to booking is about 50%. Everyone is different, and some just need additional details, confirmation of amenities, etc. before they book. But there are those inquiries that go like this:
Guest: “Do you have this thing that I want?”
Host: Yes! We have an abundance of that thing that you want!
Guest: “Well, what about this other thing that I want?”
Host: Yes! We have world-class support for that other thing that you want!
…..(radio silence forever)
So, all in all, I find it worthwhile to politely and completely answer inquiry questions. If there gets to be too many questions from the same guest, though, I tend to start providing shorter and shorter answers. That gives them the cue (hopefully) that I’d like to proceed past the inquiry stage of our relationship. 🙂
I do not pre-approve, unless asked by the guest to do so. For my style of hosting, it feels a tad too forward. Also, I only want guests that are chomping at the bit with enthusiasm to stay at my place, and those guests will put in the effort to book themselves.