Dear hosts, we are eSIM company. We would like collaboration...
Dear hosts, we are eSIM company. We would like collaboration with your property .if you can provide eSIM for your guests it w...
After 8 years with Airbnb, being part in 2 of their advertising campaigns, Superhost forever, and invited to many, many of their workshops, I have never booked a stay via Airbnb. Maybe is because my wife is a aficionado and she always makes all the plans. This time on a trip to Paris (next week) I thought it would be a great idea to finally try an Airbnb. First thing I noticed...
Every place (apartments) close to the Louvre/EiffelTower, etc we looked at had no official name outside of 'apartment or condo at X address/zone'. My sister, who we are dragging along this time been an artist in love with the Impressionist era and masters, asked us what was the name of the place in case we get separated - we had no clue. We had to dig the 2-month old e-mails to tell her where it was, but to date we can't detect anything else to differentiate it by name from the zillion other similar listings in Paris.
How interesting. I can imagine how deadpan it would be to just call our place 'an island in Belize'.
@Fred13 Oh I'm thrilled you are going to Paris and going to use Airbnb for the first time, how funny with all your amazing Island success. Yes over a year ago, Airbnb decided to move titles and so we are homes, apts. condos, etc. We as hosts have battled a little with this but its not the most important thing so we have backed off that push. But many of us have our titles as the big feature to our places..and of course our advertising, marketing is well known by our titles. Yours and mine certainly are.
Usually a places title will be on the actual listing page.
Have a grand time - see and eat everything - allow extra time at the airport, often unless you are fluent in French getting assistance and directions at the airport are really tricky, I've missed planes before.
Have the best of times.
all great things to you and your wife,
did you see the latest 2023 big news - I got #1 Host in Hospitality in the state of Florida.....a little bragging here.
I saw that, congrats Clara. Dragging my sister because she speaks French, and if she says the wrong thing my wife and I have the "We are not with her" signs ready.
Congrats @Clara116
I looked at the list. In my state South Carolina the winner has a 4.8 over all with 242 reviews.
Meanwhile, I have a 5 star overall with over 342 reviews. Never gotten below a 5 star overall.
The catch is I got two 4 star reviews in cleanliness over two years ago.
But mine is the highest rated. I think a 5 star overall should hold more weight than the sub categories. I really don't know why the two guest marked me down in cleanliness. One was unstable who smoked, had nose bleeds, and drank a lot. I still have almost over a hundred more 5 star reviews in cleanliness.
At least my guest appreciate my hard work, which makes it worthwhile.
But happy for you! 🙂
@John5097 Your record and reviews are terrific! I am sorry you felt slighted by another hosts success - I hope you know that you are a fabulous host and when you give your best, that's what truly matters. happy hosting, Clara
Just pointing out that Airbnb listing priority should be based on an honest review based system. As it is now a listing with lower reviews and far less reviews is promoted above a listing that has higher reviews and far more reviews, based on things like using Instant Book instead of Request to Book. I've been using Request to Book for over a year and not a single 4 star review yet newer listing with lower reviews get prefrontal treatment.
The reviews is all that guest really trust. Airbnb should always be trying to improve their credibility, as in my opinion there is some room for improvement.
I don't feel "slighted by other hosts success".
That's why I said "I was happy for you."
And I also said "At least my guest appreciate my hard work, which makes it worthwhile."
That's all that matters to me.
I'm actually glad not to be on part of this marketing hype, as I'm not here to "promote myself" nor am I here to demoralize other host.
Just pointing out that I have 322 overall five star reviews. Not a single 4 star overall review. That's more than any of the others. The only one with over 320 overall reviews on the list was in Cali. ( still have 2 more, lol) Also the 4 I got in cleanlenss was over 240 reviews ago. Thats more than most of the others total reviews.
ETA: I'm also booked way out, so glad other host who don't have anearly as many reservation are getting some more promotions to help get some bookings even if its not helping much.
@Fred13 we've used Airbnb 4 times now. Once to Lanzarote 'an island in the Atlantic' and three times to Ukraine - although Jane refused to actually go to Ukraine. Anyway if your boycott of Airbnb continues next year please do consider a booking in Ukraine - It will be appreciated by the poor folks there battling the Russians.
Why don't Airbnb listings near popular landmarks like the Louvre or Eiffel Tower have unique or official names, and how does this impact guests' experience and differentiation between multiple listings?
Exactly @Imran113 ..this Airbnb turns out has a lovely courtyard, it is equidistant to Eiffel Tower and Louvre; I could see a name like 'The Courtyard', of 'All-In-One' condo since it has everything from kitchen to great living room,dishwasher, laundry, etc. Great place really, merits more than juts be called 'apartment'.
Hope your first stay is a good one!
That's hilarious you haven't been a guest yet!
My only stay could have been better. The sheets were awful, dingy and bedding wasn't washed, super itcy from mites. Host requested to strip the bed and there were hairs under the sheets. Ants crawling all over the beside table where the candy was left. Went to sleep with the sound of little critters scurrying around in the walls and ceiling.
From now on will pay a little more and base it only on reviews as some hosts are very good at promoting themselves and their reviews.
@John5097 , your first stay at an Airbnb reminded of mine when we visited Cartagena, Colombia. Pictures looked amazing, reviews were great but the place itself was dirty, old, bed linens were clean but old looking, didn’t have any hot water (we were compensated with free breakfasts during our stay), and we couldn’t flush any toilet paper in the toilet (yuck). The locations was in the heart of the city but you could hear noise until 2 a.m.. Top it off the hosts were Superhosts!!! We did enjoy Cartagena, it’s a beautiful city. Our stay in Medellin was so much better. Accommodations were clean, location was close to parks, and grocery stores but far enough from city noise.
It’s amazing that listings with lower ratings get placed higher on the page view. Like you our listing has always scored a 5 in cleanliness. We got dinged a couple of times for value (4) but overall 5 star. Every person who gave us a 4 star in value always says they’d book again. Huh? Why would you if you felt you didn’t get your $$ worth and most importantly, why would I want you back?!? Nope, they’ve just earned a spot in my little black book I keep of past guest that I will not allow to stay at our listing.
Love it! Agree some guest are clueless when it comes to reviews.
Iv'e had some ding me on location. I updated my listing to point out that mine is only a million dollar listing. It's a little old ranch house. The other huge mansions they see on the water or prime location are over 10 million.
The same house would be worth like 200k in Ohio or somewhere.
The only reason I have maintained all 5 overall is everything is higher end and has a beautiful view. But back when I bought the place no one wanted it. Back then people didn't want the bugs on the marsh, roof was sagging, and everything was outdated. Crazy wall paper but that was all cosmetic.
I'm sure yours in authentic. We all have to deal with some clueless guest, as even host don't bother to read the listing.
I think I'll get my first 4 star soon. I was going to make a post on how to get one just as a joke.
Even a bad review wound't matter as long as the good reviews seem authentic.
I'll be more careful when booking my next stay. I'm looking forward to traveling more.
I'm sure you also wish you could find one like yours. I also keep a list of guest don't want to host again. Any that marked me down or something minor that may have added some stress for me.
CEO Brian Chesky also mentioned one of the challenges for the company and planform is consistency. Hotels can have training and implement more consistent standards. But so far cleanliness takes a back seat to so many other things like instant book, that creates even more problems for the PR and the platform.
Mine has to be twice as clean and twice as nice because they aren't booking for the host and hardly ever mention me, while a lot of guest praise host. So cleanness is most important and it being authentic reviews. Some of the most popular listings in my area have 4.8 because they have been doing it forever and guest love it.
Want to add I do love guests from Ohio! I just happened to see an interview where an investor was comparing home values to his home Nashville and Ohio and reasons they were so much higher in Nashville. He said mostly because of taxes. But I also have higher overhead with taxes and insurance with my location as well.
BTW that sounds so disgusting you couldn't flush toilet paper. Obviously something wrong. I replaced my old cast iron pipes by myself. Only one guest on their honey moon messaged me they clogged the toilet. I put a plunder by the door and that took care of it. I didn't ask any more details. lol
When I replaced the cast iron ones there was only an inch wide drain the rest was pure sludge but I never had a problem but had I left them I'm sure would have been clogged up numerous times.
You are correct @John5097, consistency is the order of the day for Airbnb now and hosts with the highest consistency should be given priority over those without it.
The question arises however how do they create a system to show that. Perhaps a mere 10 reviews to reach Superhost is not enough if that is what they use (a minimum of one year hosting may help) and if going by the star-system Airbnb must be more watchful for revenge reviews that can undermine the integrity of that system.
My vote with them has been that a longer period to reach Superhost is in order and more caution with off-the-wall reviews that defy logic also merits more caution.