Is anyone getting help from CS?

Level 10
Chicago, IL

Is anyone getting help from CS?

Math/rhetorical question. Even though there is not enough CS, there are still hundreds on staff. That means someone should be getting help. I have not received a reply to open tickets for 4-6 weeks. In fact, none have been resolved or even answered once. All different topics including simple site questions, so it is not like one department is backed up.  If they laid off 25 percent, shouldn't it take 25 percent longer to get help? If I was getting replies in 5-7 days in the beginning of pandemic, should I be hearing back in 7-10 now?  What are all these people doing that are working there now? Has anyone received any help in the last few weeks?

27 Replies 27
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Inna22 Lots of people will be getting help. Don't forget its only the ones who don't that tend to post here not the ones who do.

Level 10
Kendal, United Kingdom

I have not received a reply to open tickets for 4-6 weeks.


Obviously you’re not the one getting the help with your outstanding tickets. Did you come here JUST to say that? 🙈 (Obviously you haven’t). Maybe you haven’t been paying your service fees at the level which offers service?

With a 25% reduction in workforce a 33% increase in wait time should be expected. With the triage system in place now, who knows?

@Ian-And-Anne-Marie0  yes, clearly I am in the self checkout lane


No, You have purchased 'Speedy Boarding' and they have withdrawn the service...

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



I am getting help, but I don't know with what. As I posted in another thread, I recently had a CS rep from the escalations team contact me about a case I had apparently escalated and asking for further information. I didn't know which case this is, but after repeatedly asking, he told me it wasn't about any case and that he just wanted to help me with any issues I might want. I pressed again and he said he could see that I was unhappy with the outcome of a case, but he still won't tell me what it was. If I don't respond, he will send a reminder that he is still there waiting to help me.


In contrast, any serious problem I've contacted CS about in the past six months has taken on average a month of chasing by message and phone to get any resolution.

@Huma0 can I forward you my list of issues so you can post it to your guy who clearly has time on his hands and wants to help you with whatever? 🙂

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


I guess you were approached by a well trained BOT !

Level 10
California, United States

That's just hilarious.  I like @Emiel1 's idea of a bot.  SO odd!!!  Sounds like a comedy sketch!

Level 10
Florence, Canada

Have not called in, @Inna22 , as I haven't needed help, but I did get an inquiry this week from someone trying to get me to switch hosting platforms. I flagged it.

(If you are wondering, the platform was American, new, and, in his words, Christian. Also he is a medic, and a father, and trying to make ends meet in these difficult times by, in my words, ignoring the terms and conditions of the companies he is ripping off.)

Within 20 minutes I received a note from CS that the "guest" had had his account removed and advising me to change my password if I had been tricked into giving that up.

So someone is at a desk somewhere fighting off pirate platforms.



As it happens, there was a time - even as they reached unicorn status and achieved their first $1 billion valuation - that Airbnb themselves were being widely accused of engaging in 'black hat' techniques, regarded by many as a highly unethical, if not illegal, practice. So by that token, they'd certainly have the background and experience to be able to recognise a pirate platform, when they see one. 


With that in mind, some might view others now attempting to poach users from Airbnb's  platform, rather than vice versa, as Karma finally catching up with them. What goes around.. 


New Billionaire Airbnb Still Spamming Craigslist, Not Returning The Favour


Airbnb Farmed Craigslist To Grow Its Listings, Says Competitor


@Lawrene0 in your case they were helping themselves, not you. So of course they were on top of it

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Inna, I have found them to be helpful but, I am p*ssed off that I have lost my Superhost support status!

I no longer get preferential wait time when I phone. I just go into the general phone queue like everyone else! I can't solve issues quickly like I used to be able to.


I currently have an intern doctor at our local hospital staying. She wanted to book the nights of Aug 22-24-27-30-Sept the way the system works she was looking at 5 separate bookings with added cleaning fees for each booking.

Before COVID-19 I could have had CX sort this out in an instant.....but that is in the past. What I have had to do is fudge the system, have her book the 22nd, I have given her the 24th free, she has booked the 27th to the 1st Sept as one booking paid guest and I am giving her Sept 2nd free. 

It is not ideal, she has paid for nights that she is not going to be here and she is getting nights that she is here for free......but at least it is the only way I can find that solves the situation without having to involve  a vastly depleted, unqualified, customer support! 



@Robin4 While reading your post a thought immediately came to mind - simple, charge her for the absolute days she is indeed staying and forget if the Airbnb calendar is not 'straight'. I do this all the time. And you ended up doing exactly that, in essence. 

    This is a classic example of the ingenuity hosts should always exercise to bypass a shortcoming (i.e. Airbnb's nightmarish CS).


But if you ended up getting bookings in between for Aug 23, Aug 25~26, Aug 28~29 doesn't that mean you would have to clean and turnover the listing each time...... meaning the guest SHOULD pay the cleaning fee for each separate booking? 


If you were planning not to host other guests on nights in between, if it were me I think I would have asked to the guest to just book from Aug 22 ~ Sept 2 and then maybe send a special offer for an appropriate amount, all things considered. 


Completely agree about not wanting to involve a vastly depleted, unqualified, customer support for these types of situations!!!