how can i join airbnb groups in umoja nairobi kenya
how can i join airbnb groups in umoja nairobi kenya
I have some guests that have been staying with me a month and would like to extend for another month as they are still waiting for their new home to be finished. There Is a 3 day reservation in the middle of the requested time frame, they are with a toddler and have had to put together a crib, I would like to help the but it seems a cancellation would result in losing my Superhost status. I have done the research on acceptable reasons to cancel, it seems I am stuck - I also tried to get in touch with Airbnb and I have had no response to date. All my reservations are important, so I am not trying to get it out the other reservation in order to earn more money, it is to help them out and minimize the disruption of having to move again and live somewhere temporarily.
Someone suggested I offer the 3 day booking some money to cancel, I have not done this. This individual has not answered any of my other messages (a common and frustrating issue....though I ask people to add the app and check for messages)
If you have anything to share or had a similar issue thanks in advance.
Happy Hosting to all,
Bex in BC
I don't think it would be fair to the guest who booked the three days if you cancelled.
And I also don't think it's okay to look for a sanction-free cancellation option.
But try to reach him by phone, maybe he understands the situation and is willing to find an amicable solution with you.
@Bex9 How about trying the opposite approach and letting the family know you are happy to accommodate them but they will need to get a hotel for those 3 nights? Offer them an extra discount for the trouble?
I did this exact same thing with a long term guest when he asked to extend his stay. I told him I'd be happy to but I already had certain dates booked that I could not cancel and if he was okay with a temporary disruption during the stay, I could do it.
You could also ask around to other hosts in the area to see if anyone can accommodate the reservation coming in and offer an incentive for the booked reservation to change listings. I've done that before as well.
@Bex9 if that 3 day guest is ignoring your communication, that is a red flag, get on CS to figure out what is going on with them
@Bex9, I agree with @Suzanne302. I think it's unfair to your already booked guests to cancel them. Maybe the 1-month guests can find alternative accommodation for those three nights.
I'm with @Suzanne302 on this one. I'd reach out to a fellow host in the area and work out a deal. I've done the exact same thing when I had a guest land in Malaysia at 0130 and I put them up at one of my fellow hosts place until their 1400 check in.
Thanks everyone for your input and suggestions - really I was trying to find out if cancellation would result in losing my status. I have been doing this long enough that I know how to approach issues like this, it is aggravating having guests who book and never answer messages or check back - I have requirements - like confirming you read the house rules at the time of booking and I think only 1 person has ever done this. I have offered to keep their things if they want to stay elsewhere during the booked reservation.
Cheers, Bex
@Bex9 : surely, if you contact CS and say you can't reach the guests, and CS then tries to reach them and they don't reply, CS will cancel for you if you wish. FWIW.
As a superhost, Twitter or the Superhost support line should both work.
@Bex9 I'm with Kenneth- if the 3 day booking is ignoring your communcations, and you ask Airbnb to contact them, and there is still no reply, that should be a valid reason to cancel the 3 dayers. I'd certainly prefer to accommodate good guests who are already in residence, over a non-communicator.