Is there anyway I can complain about the recipient of my call?

Level 2
Seoul, South Korea

Is there anyway I can complain about the recipient of my call?

I called the airbnb using the international call.


The guy pretended that he does not know where I am in order to induce my answer about my whereabouts, and my hometown.


Those information was irrelevant to solve the issue about re-listing my property.


I am not living in my property, but the guy behaved that there is something wrong with it and he is personally very unhappy with it.


At the end, he asked me the situation of the covid-19 in my location as if he thinks I am responsible for the U.S. disaster. I was so surprised to hear his question about covid 19 because I am not an expert on that.


I answered that there is only one local transmission today here where I am. I felt so lucky that my property is in safe zone, compared to the Western countries. Why I re-start the airbnb host if my property was in anywhere in the US?


He sounded so jealous.


Why does the guy behave so?


Is there any way I can complain about him?


I do not know if he wanted to fXXX me or help me.

9 Replies 9

@Ashley-Malei0   It's normal that a call-center operator will ask questions related to your account at the beginning of a call, in order to verify that you are genuinely the owner of the account and the information associated with it is current. 


In some countries, Airbnb is blocking listing calendars in order to comply with Covid-19 restrictions, so questions like the ones you were asked might have been necessary to give you useful advice. It wouldn't have been appropriate for the operator to ask personal questions, such as about your own health status, but it doesn't sound like this was the case. It really sounds more like something was lost in translation when one or both speakers was using their non-native language, and you drew some very creative conclusions from what you seemed to read between the lines.


To make a complaint based on what you believe someone on the other end of a phone call might have been personally thinking or feeling is a waste of everyone's time. If you got the information you needed for your query, just consider the matter resolved. If you still need further assistance, perhaps try contacting Airbnb in writing rather than by phone, lest anyone else trigger more prurient interpretations of their phone voice in your imagination.




I could totally expect the answer in this kind. Covid 19 question to a host? As long as the recipient finds why I called, is it relevant to ask the general situation of the covid 19 as a recipient of the call? He can ask as a personal curiosity, but not as of his own occupational duty. And it is my imagination but I guess his imagination on me was quite ill minded and personal, I am not sure if he has a safe zone to comfort his mind. I see no resolution on my issue why I called internationally but just wasted my mood and trust on the airbnb. I could really see that the US is on war that everyone hates everyone, trying to find the scapegoat even from the international caller who was asking their help


To add, he seemed very unhappy to find out that I am in a different country from my property. Is there any illigality of that? His tone was like he wants to put me in jail. As a host of 5 years, I always see the airbnb platform that I can check if I live inside or not. It was very odd to see the recipient of the call center thinks it like illegal host. 

His questions was different from others in terms of verification of me. 

1 Where I am

2 where my list is

3 your former guest canceled reservation (twice repetitive)

4 your residence's covid 19 after he finds out I am not living in my property (covid 19 is relevant if the host is living in the same country as the property)

5 I am unhappy you are away from your property (he was going to donate his salary to help me go back home) 

Everyone imagines from a sheer phone call, but you have to distinguish impression and imagination are different 

I had a feeling that he wants to blame me for covid 19 by putting me in jail because I was not living in my property. 

Level 2
Seoul, South Korea

I hope he likes his job as unemployment rate seems he would no longer stay in the airbnb 

@Ashley-Malei0  I'm trying to make sense of what you're saying but honestly it sounds like you're off your medication.

Read again. Particularly, italic