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I'm starting this thread because I'm really concerned how future hosts would judge my profile.
First, I would like to admit that it was entirely my fault to not have planned properly and to leave too much to pack up for the last morning. I moved out late and wasted the host and the cleaner he hired a lot of time.
The host left me a review talking about nothing but this last day incident. I don't mean to say he shouldn't have mentioned it, but considering that it has been a long stay (50+ days) and I tried my best to be a quiet, clean guest who proactively solve the house's problems like replacing the CO detector's batteries and spraying insect repellent in the room on a regular basis (not saying the house has an insect infection), I can't help but feel a bit unfair to let the trip be represented by only the check-out delay on my review page. What's worse, he brought up a miscommunication between me and the cleaner that sounds like I was intentionally lying but I really wasn't. I don't know how future hosts will interpret this.
I am nevertheless sorry for causing my host and the cleaner a lot of trouble, and I apologized to the host both in response to the review and in direct message, explaining that the cleaner and I really just had a misunderstanding. I also paid him an extra day's worth of money (without asking first, which retrospectively may be inappropriate) in compensation for his loss in time.
As of yet, I never talked to him about maybe modifying the review into a milder version or including acknowledgment of my positive aspects during the stay. I thought it's probably rude to bring it up during an apology, so I want to only suggest this if he replies and accept my apology. He hasn't replied in more than 24 hours so I'm starting to think he doesn't want to talk or deal with this trip any more. (I don't mean to say he's obliged to respond. He doesn't have to and I understand if he's still angry.)
Now I'm left with a negative review. It's only my third trip so it's very significant. It's worrying how this will affect my ability to be approved by future hosts and, honestly, for previously mentioned reasons I feel I don't fully deserve such a review.
Is it worth deleting this account and starting a new one?
@Yukai0 you can be sure the host doesn't want to deal with this any more.
When you check out late you potentially cause a world of stress to the host (and cleaner) and also to any incoming guest.
Was it a bad review or an honest one?
If you start over with your account, just be aware that some social media groups share names of not-great guests so it may not completely fix your problem.
eta I read the review and THREE HOURS LATE?!
You have two good reviews there and your reply to the host review doesn't do you any favours.
You should consider adding a photo of yourself to your profile. I would not host a person without one.
@Mike-And-Helen0Thank you for your input! I'd like to ask if I may: do you think my compensation which equals the price of one night's stay is adequate for this?
I'm also wondering, what kind of response could I have written to help the situation?
In terms of whether the review was honest, I must admit it was, but at the same time, it was only partial truth, as I took effort in maintaining the good condition of the house during my long stay. I feel misrepresented for receiving such skewed portrayal that covers only one of the 50+ days in my trip.
I feel disheartened that I may be on a blacklist. My mistake of inexperienced planning has given me a very hard time already, causing my move-out day to be long, laborious, hurried, and stressful, and it is a lesson I will never forget. Adding to all these, I might permanently carry a bad name in some social media group: it just feels a bit much.
Sorry that I wrote these unsolicited rant and I may have made myself look like I don't feel very sorry. It's not like that. I do feel very embarrassed and regretful towards this huge mess-up. It's a lesson I'll never forget.
I think the host’s review is a little harsh although I must admit I’d also be very (VERY!) annoyed by a guest who checked out 3 hours late without prior arrangement. Maybe there were other issues which came up during your stay and this was the straw that broke the poor host’s back?!
If you were to enquire with me, I would make very sure you knew the c/o time and procedure and get you to confirm that with me before booking. You have two other very good reviews, so I would probably give you the benefit of the doubt.
@Jenny349Your perspective is very much appreciated. I understand a lot more about the concerns of a host now.
I can promise you I had not had any issue during the stay. The host never contacted me except for telling me about upcoming house maintenance. Maybe he had encountered other problems regarding a different guest. However, I totally understand it was a very long delay and I caused lots of trouble.
Regarding why the host was so upset, I think I might have come across as extremely careless and impolite as I greatly underestimated how strictly the host would have to follow the schedule for the next guest, and my attention was also completely occupied by the hurried packing, so I notified the host very late about having to delay the check-out. It was a very neglectful lack of communication, and I'm very sorry for it.
PS @Yukai0
I like the frank apology you made to your his and would certainly give you credit for that! Plus the fact that you made some monetary compensation at your own initiative 👍
@Yukai0 you know the old expression "you never get a second chance to make a first impression"? Well, when it comes to reviews, that's turned on its head, because it's the last impression that is foremost on the reviewer's mind at the end of a stay. Bear in mind, a review is a subjective account of the experience from the host's perspective, not an analysis of your character.
And checking out 3 hours late is not just a minor transgression, as you admit yourself. The negative review and the additional charges were both justified, end of story.
That said, starting over with a new profile would be a really cowardly way to dodge the consequences of your own screw-up. It would be much more impressive to future hosts if you own up to it, get right out in front of it and assure hosts in your initial booking requests that you won't be making that mistake again. Many will see this, combined with your positive past reviews, and feel compassionate enough to give you a second chance. If some decide to decline instead, well, that's how the cookie crumbles. Plenty of hosts won't even consider a new and unreviewed guest profile, so that doesn't put you in a better position anyway.
Our posts crossed!
‘This sounds like a very unfortunate experience for all, due to a misunderstanding / communication which could certainly have been better. I would chalk it up to experience and move on. I think you’ll find there are hosts out there who are prepared to cut you some slack, especially as you are so sincere in regretting what you did. Hope you enjoy many more Airbnb trips and I’m sure you’ll be a good guest having learnt from this mistake 👍
@Yukai0well, when I was younger I also thought I can pack and clean my family's holiday house within 2 hours after a month-long stay. Then I realize I need the whole day 🙂 When I was a guest, I thought a studio apartment could be cleaned between guests in 30 min, now I know it needs 90 minutes... So I can totally understand why and how you misjudged the time needed.
3 hours late check-out is a huge problem for the host who has same-day turnovers so I can understand why he was angry. But, if everything else was perfect your host should have said so, you are right, it's not fair he mentioned only the check-out problem.
On the other hand, I would never set a same-day turnover after 50 days long stay. It is too risky.
You paid for the cleaner's time, you apologized and you already have 2 nice reviews. I would accept you as a guest and many other hosts would. I don't think it is necessary to delete this account, many hosts do not accept guests with new accounts and without reviews, I am also very cautious with them.
@Yukai0 While it's unfortunate that the host couldn't be kind enough to mention anything positive in the review, your response and apology would lead me to accepting you as a guest, as you have 2 other good reviews. Guests who make it evident that they accept responsibility for their own poor planning are not a red flag to me, quite the opposite. We all make mistakes, no one is perfect.
Guests closing an account because they got a bad review really upsets hosts- it's dishonest. You wouldn't like it if a host had bad reviews and did that.
And it's more likely that you'll be declined as a new guest with no reviews than as a guest with one negative review which only concerned one issue. It's not like you were some nightmare guest who trashed the place and was rude.
By the way, reviews cannot be changed after they are published. And I doubt you are on any "blacklist".
As one responder suggested, when you next send a request to book, mention that you know you screwed up with checking out on time with that one stay and can assure the host that it won't happen again, that it was a learning experience for you in better planning.
@Yukai0 Personally, as a host, your response to this bad review is all I would need to give you another chance. It would be reassuring if you acknowledged this review when messaging with future hosts and reiterate that you have learned from your past mistakes.