Kitchen knives and bed repairs.

Level 10
Frederick, MD

Kitchen knives and bed repairs.

Gotta say it-- love my husband and he's normally a joy. But handy? Not so much. 


This is a true story from my own life. Happened yesterday. 


We have this antique bed that used to live at our cottage before we opened it for guests. One of the slats that held up the mattress would fall out because it was a bit too short so we put it in storage thinking we would fix it and return it to one of the rooms eventually. Father-in-law and DH's aunt are coming to visit, and FIL just had back surgery and loves loves loves the mattress on that bed (its a different size than the others so I can't just switch it out.) In a gesture of kindness, I thought "hey, let's get the bed fixed up and put it in the room he stays in."


So I ask my beloved, "can you fix that bed?" He agrees. Mistake number one. We go to Lowe's over the weekend and buy a board to replace the one that fell out. Last night we are setting some things up and I say, "can we fix the bed tonight? Your dad arrives on Thursday." He agrees. We pull it out for storage together and I go on my merry way doing other prep. 


I return to ask him a question and find him trying to SAW THROUGH A BOARD WITH A KITCHEN KNIFE. Whaaaatt is going on, for the love of all that's holy?


He says "I am fixing the bed."




"Yeah, its serrated. Like a saw."


"Where is the saw?"


"I think I threw it away."


"You threw it away?!"


"Yeah, when we moved. We weren't using it."


Sidestepping the logic here, I say "We need to go to the hardware store right now. We need a saw."


"But I already started." 


I am unrelenting. After some complaining (him) we pile into the car and go to the hardware store. I run in and buy a saw. We return to the scene of the knife crime.


I look at the crooked cut he started and ask "Where is your mark to start cutting?  From measuring?"


He blinks and says "I didn't measure. I just eyeballed the other ones. I can't find the measuring tape."


Words have left me. I track down the measuring tape. I saw the board. I fix the bed.


My husband has many amazing qualities but heaven help me. Anyone relate to a co-host who maybe isn't as helpful as they might be? Thank the stars this was not a guest attempting this repair!


11 Replies 11
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Laura2592 I am failing to see the problem. Bed is fixed, hubby got out of doing it!

@Mike-And-Jane0  right you are! Sometimes I don't know if he is just smarter than me at pretending not to know how to do things. 

@Laura2592  "Sometimes I don't know if he is just smarter than me at pretending not to know how to do things". 


Rodrick's Rule #1, lol.

Level 10
Nashville, TN

One of the funniest things I've read in a while @Laura2592  and @Mike-And-Jane0. Thank you both. 

@Nash-Cottages-LLC0  we do have some interesting times over here 😉

Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

I hope he has other skills to focus on, like cooking and cleaning maybe so he can leave all diy to you.

@Sandra126  he has many other redeeming qualities. As far as DIY he is an excellent and precise painter. He has installed a few light fixtures successfully. But the list begins and ends with those items. Luckily we have a very excellent and reasonable contractor/carpenter who has a plumber and electrician on his team to take care of anything more substantial. 

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

This made me laugh @Laura2592...well every time you use the kitchen bread knife you will think of the wonderful bed you now have. Most people just don't have such great memories when they look at their kitchen utensils. 🙂 


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Level 10
Darwin, Australia

Oh @Laura2592. There is an old saying: “If you want something done, ask a busy woman!“



As long as one of you can do it.... 😁 😁 😁


Whenever Henry grumbles about my (nonexistent) cooking skills...... I always say to Henry is, it's better for us to have different strengths so at least one of us knows what we're doing. 😆 


Complementary skills are good for teamwork~

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

Sign seen in a hardware store: 


Ladies- Your husband is busy. He'll get around to that project you've been wanting him to do when he has time. You don't have to keep nagging him about it every year.