LTS Discount

Level 10
Toodyay, Australia

LTS Discount

Hi y’all,


‘can anyone please tell me what an LTS discount is please?


i have a guest wanting to cancel because I won’t provide her with a pet bond and allow her to bring her dog along. She wants to obtain a full refund and I’m trying to workout if she will obtain one upon cancellation or not.


I have a moderate policy but with a non-refundable option if they take a 10% discount.


They do have a discount - the LTS IMG_0088.jpegdiscount. But I’m unsure if this is the non-refundable one or one of the others that I’ve said ‘yes’ too when AirBnB have suggested it.


Confused? Yeah, me too. Lol.


As ever, any help would be truly appreciated.

Loving the Airbnb community and it’s diversity❣️
4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom


Surely it is her problem to work out what she will get rather than yours.

Also given the dates of their stay she can probably cancel for free anyway under the extenuating circumstances banner

The circumstances in this case was that she booked, and then asked if I could provide her with a pet bond as she ‘may’ want to bring her dog with her.


I quite clearly do not have pets allowed as this is a cat sanctuary. 

The lady also sounded disappointed when I explained that one of the cats in my photo’s had just recently passed away, she was excited to be able to meet him and told me that she ‘couldn’t wait’. I haven’t yet been able to bring myself to pull his photo down and I told her this. ‘It’s like the last link to Samson that I have. (I have just decided that I will mention his passing in a footnote under the photo.)

Finally, extenuating circumstances require documented proof. I see none in the circumstances.


I have always gone above and beyond to have my guests fully refunded in the past - in this case I’m afraid my patience has run out. The lady is just going to have to wear it. 

She may have decided to stay with us upon a whim, hopefully the lady will be more careful in planning her holidays going forward. A simple enquire prior to booking would have been the more sensible approach.


I feel like I’m being mean in doing so, but I simply cannot afford to let another guest cancel. I have lost too many over the C-19 as it is. And I fully support those that have cancelled so far - they were coming to events that have been cancelled. I get that.


This?  It’s too much.

Loving the Airbnb community and it’s diversity❣️
Level 10
Orono, ME

@Deborah82 Check under your pricing settings and see if you have a 5% long term stay discount for stays over 3 nights.

I do, and that is exactly what the lady signed up for.


Thank you for solving the mystery for me.


I do wish this had been searchable under our help section.


Thanks again, and stay safe and healthy.

Loving the Airbnb community and it’s diversity❣️