Leaving AirBnb b/c Rude Customer Support

Level 2
Las Vegas, NV

Leaving AirBnb b/c Rude Customer Support

I’m going to be leaving AirBnb because of their awful and inconsistent customer support. I literally killed myself to earn Super Host, I still have a 5.0 out of 5.0 rating with 39 reviews, and they won’t budge on penalizing me for a cancelling an instant booking.

1 Reply 1

@Margot186    You literally killed yourself? 🤔


On the balance of things, having a little badge on your profile and getting a yearly voucher is not worth suffering for in any way, let alone committing suicide. It's just a behavior-modification tool that has little bearing on the actual success of your listings. This is doubly true for hosts like you, whose listings occupy a special niche and are not meant for the mass market. You offer a room in a shared home and a tent in your living room for female guests only. Clearly all the guests who have stayed with you have loved your hospitality, but one would have to be using filters and seeking a very specific kind of experience to choose your home. So any advantage that Superhost status might confer on a listing in search results is of no use to you whatsoever.


But then again, neither is Instant Book. This feature is not designed for people who need to pre-screen guests for any reason, including gender.


If you've enjoyed hosting in all aspects aside from your crappy experience with Customer Service, I hope you consider continuing on but making a few adjustments to your booking parameters, such as disabling IB, to minimize the contact you'll need to have with the incompetent CX.  But if hosting hasn't been the fit to your home life that you'd thought it would, and it's felt like "killing [yourself],"  that would be a very good reason to stop doing Airbnb and try something different.