Local council non-compliance notice

Level 2
Christchurch, NZ

Local council non-compliance notice

I have a BnB in Christchurch, New Zealand. As a consequence of the COVID-19 situation a neighbour complained to the council about my BnB. My BnB is an entire residential property. In Christchurch that is considered non-compliant use by the local council. The letter from the council suggests that I apply for a resource consent and change of use. However, resources consents are very expensive. I gather the cost would be at least $5,000 and likely much more. Moreover it seems the likelihood of success is slim. I read an article in the media last year that advised against applying for a resource because your application would most likely be declined.  My council correspond knew of only one successful resource consent.


The council is currently going through a review of the Christchurch district plan including home share accommodation. The review process is at stage two of four stages. Stage two is a request for feedback stage. My intel is that there is something like 570 contributions so there is a lot of interest in this issue. I hope for a wise and enlightened decision that would legalise the status quo. However it is likely that it would come too late for me and my pride and joy BnB (five time super host) will become another victim of COVID-19. I am a superannuitant. The income from the BnB provided an interest and a small income to supplement the meagre pension. 


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