Looking for Cleaning recommendation in Toronto Beaches for the months of July and August in Toronto Beaches area

Level 2
Toronto, Canada

Looking for Cleaning recommendation in Toronto Beaches for the months of July and August in Toronto Beaches area

Hello, I'm looking for some recommendations for cleaning services for my Airbnb (1 room + bathroom) for the month of July and August. I usually do it and I have a comprehensive list of the task needed. It takes around 1:30-2 hours to do it well and I would need pics after the the work is done. I charge $50 to my guests for it, but I'm available to pay slightly more for somebody trustworthy. The job is temporary but with the option of becoming permanent. I'm superhost and I would like to maintain my status, I need somebody professional that know how to do it.

Any fellow torontonian have any advice for me?



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