BEWARE Elijah Gittens is a SCAD student and he damaged so mu...
BEWARE Elijah Gittens is a SCAD student and he damaged so much property, moved furniture around , not following rules, then h...
why have I lost my superhost status?! I’ve been on target no cancellations!
it’s been gone for a month now and it’s really unexpected.
my last few reviews have all been 5 stars.
im really disappointed.
@Gemma171 I can only assume that you didn't meet 4.8 in the 12 months to the last assessment. If you go into the dashboard and look at the last 12 month period of assessment it may give you insight as to why you have lost this status. What you have shown above is the current figures which will be for a later time period.
Nope I have been 4.8 for 6 months.
also I can’t see a dashboard on my app?
I only use my computer but if you go into Performance and then Superhost you should find the date range shown by Emilia
Are you looking at the right assessment?
It should be October 1, 2019 - September 30, 2020.
If your screenshot shows that assessment period then it makes no sense.
His the super host stating looking T the 365 day section as I have lost my superhost status but my 365 days I thought was okay
@Gemma171 On the app it's in your profile - bottom right icon. Scroll down to "hosting" and it's there - Superhost Progress. However, you can't choose individual quarters in the app. They only show the most recent assessment date. The October 1st date takes into account the previous 12 months, as @Emilia42 shows in her screenshot.
Unfortunately I only use the app. Which suits me. Perhaps they should include this in a future update. I wonder what other information I am missing as well now.
@Gemma171 You're missing some financial details, but you can always log into the web on your phone and see all of these things.
I find it interesting to see what other hosts do to get 5 star ratings. We do them all!!! Last calendar year we were fully booked all year (99%) with 19 AirBnB stays amongst the 100 or so stays (all booking platforms) we had. Of the 19 stays, we received 17 x 5 Stars, 1x 4 stars and 1 x 1 star from young guests that partied all night and disobeyed all house rules. This has meant, for 3 of the last four quarters (assessment periods) we have lost our Superhost status and AirBnB FLATLY REFUSE to remove the malicious review and INSIST on counting it towards our assessment, so for 9 months of the last year we are 0.01 below the 4.8 point average and AirBnB couldn't care less!!!! All other platforms give you chance to challenge obviously malicious reviews. I will be working on trying to get ZERO new bookings through AirBnb from now on. What a bunch of idiots who have the audacity to call themselves OUR PARTNERS. What a joke!!!!
@Steve864 so sorry to hear this, it's awful. This is just another case of hundreds, if not thousands we haven't heard of, of Airbnb leaning on the side of unruly guests. Their review system is a joke and their staff poorly trained in how to deal with issues. Airbnb still insist we're one big happy family, we're far from it.
Olá queridos,
Então, me esforcei tanto para agradar, me deslocava para o lugar para levar uma faca diferente, emprestar algo. Quando entrei no Airbnb, 4 meses depois aconteceu a pandemia, aos trancos e barrancos, fiz o impossível para agradar meus hóspedes. Recebi uma reserva, era para ser duas moças, eram 4, algazarra, reclamação de vizinhos, chuveiro queimou, elas no comentário botaram que estava queimado, não pagaram a diferença das hospedes a mais, não sou profissional, qdo chegam mais hóspede do que foi tratado, que vou fazer? Não sou profissional nisso... aceito, nunca reclamei, já aconteceu tanta coisa negativa e eu relevo. Pq sei que podem me detonar na avaliação. Enfim, foi em pleno sábado com um eletricista que me cobrou uma fortuna, (era feriado), chegando, elas não me atenderam, paguei o rapaz que foi até lá comigo e retornou no domingo de manhã, ou seja, lucro? não obtive! Avaliação negativa e comentário ruim, isso tive. Meu apto é simples, mas tudo com muito carinho e cuidado, a minha última hóspede me exigiu um travesseiro melhor - eu disse que todos eram padrão, poxa no meio da crise, lavo eles cada vez que troca de hóspede, ou seja, preciso estar sempre comprando... meu preço é super compatível. O que recebi...avaliação ruim e lá publicamente que meus travesseiros e cama não são confiáveis...oi? nossa essa palavra bateu no meu coração, escrevesse ruins, mas que minhas coisas não são de confiança.... um hóspede que pela segunda vez está se hospedando no Airbnb.....acabou comigo, vou perder meu título de super hosts. Desanimei. Mesmo.... voltar a alugar anual, pelo mesmo que recebo uma conta de luz absurda, q deixam tudo aberto e o ar ligado, não recebo reclamação de vizinhos pela baderna...não são todos, claro! Conheci pessoas maravilhosas nessa trajetória de um ano e meio. Mas realmente sair da minha casa, para ajudar a pessoa a colocar a senha do wiffi, pq ela não sabe... ou ainda esperar lá horas...não pq tinha trânsito e atrasaram... mas pq são irresponsáveis. Tratar um check-out, ir, e esperar mais de 1 hora, qdo preciso trabalhar. Self check-in no meu condomínio não aceita. Abandonando essa vida de anfitriã. Pena, gosto tanto...mas sem lucro pq claramente existe essa avaliação para todos se obrigarem a baixar preço, bah, muito decepcionada. Vou bloquear as datas por um tempo, uns dias, e a chance de não voltar é grande.
Lost my Super Host status due to an automated system that does not track fairly. I have had all 5 star ratings. Airbnb is ripping off hosts. I called with a scheduling glitch on the Airbnb calendar. Airbnb customer service helped fix the glitch and told me it would not count against me. Then counted it automatically and blamed the computer system. Love the guests but seriously thinking about removing my listing and going with another company. Don't want to host upcoming reservations when I am not recognized or supported by the Airbnb Agency. Go way above & beyond to have a glitch count against me.
@Saundra15 I have no idea why you have lost your super host status but is it's loss really going to stop you honouring your upcoming reservations? If it is then this suggests you are hosting to become a super host not to make money.