Lovely message from a nice guest
06:03 PM

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06:03 PM
Lovely message from a nice guest
Just sharing a nice message I got today:
Hello, Laura! My goodness I wanted to reach out as soon as I arrived, yet here I am.... we are deeply and sincerely enjoying your home. What a FIND! We've decided it's been most likely two years since we've seen each other, and this is the most nourishing soul-space for us to reconnect. Thank you thank you thank you!
Most of my work is accomplished virtually, and so my mornings have been spent tapped in to meetings and connections via your WiFi (thank you again!) and in this upstairs bedroom the desk is just about the most perfect spot to rest my laptop and my writing journals. X and I will also engage in some sacred work here tomorrow, and my goodness the common area downstairs is a great space for us to get notes out while the fire is going.
Let's talk about your updates in the kitchen area... that SINK! The countertop! It all is amazing and I've daily let my husband know that I will love coming down here to share time "away" to reconnect in this lovely space.
What an incredible and healing space you share here with the community near and far 🙂
No idea what kind of healing work they are doing, but hey, I will take it!
23 Replies 23
06:40 PM

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06:40 PM
As long as the sacred work does not include live sacrifice, I think you're good, @Laura2592 .
But with your guest track record lately... 😉
06:45 PM

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05:02 PM

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05:02 PM
I've missed out on this. I need to catch up with @Laura2592 's recent guest horror stories.
I'll never forget my hosting 'summer of weirdness' when, after one guest drama after another, several friends told me I needed to go around the house burning sage to get rid of whatever bad energy was residing there.
I didn't. I just took a deep breath and soldiered on. At least you have a good store of stories to amuse your nearest and dearest.
10:57 PM

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10:57 PM
@Laura2592 Wonderful. Maybe you can ask her to do something spiritual there that will ward off the weirdos.
12:24 AM

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12:24 AM
@Sarah977 do I ask her if she can, politely?
"Hi guest. Can you do something to ward off weirdos? Not that we would call our other guests weirdos, but...."
12:30 AM

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12:30 AM
@Laura2592 Actually, given your track record I’m a little worried. Here’s hoping sacred isn’t new code for something horrifying.
I’ll be hoping they manage to banish whatever crazy has taken up residence in your floorboards. Do let us know.
12:32 AM

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12:32 AM
@Kelly149 I am clinging to the hope that they are doing something harmless like a drum circle. But watch this space for news of any cult activity....
12:35 AM

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12:35 AM
@Laura2592 And here we’ll all be wondering if disembodied “guests” should have been included in the reservation. I’m hoping for you that they’re harmless!!
09:03 AM

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09:03 AM
@Laura2592 the last time I had a group of Yoga teachers I had to scrub the kitchen for hours after them. They were too busy with their spiritual and body healings to spend their time cleaning the apartment 😄
01:27 PM

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01:27 PM
@Branka-and-Silvia0 ay yi yi. That's a definite possibility. When one communes with the infinite, it leaves little room for such a prosaic task as housekeeping.
02:05 PM

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02:05 PM
@Laura2592 Exactly. And do not forget they are not going to McDonald's and eat fast food and drink Cola... they cook... from the scratch.... 3x a day .... and mix a lot of smoothies 😄 😄
02:13 PM

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02:13 PM
@Branka-and-Silvia0 we purposefully do not provide a blender. We have had a few guests ask but I think our cleaning person would quit if she had to scrub out fruit bits and booze. We also struggle with keeping ants out. So any smoothies would have to be hand mashed and shaken. Perhaps they are foraging. We had an inquiry asking about what berries grew wild for a foraging guest at one point.
I think this guest might be a healer of some sort? With a dash of Wicca thrown in? I'm not asking a lot of questions about that.
02:18 PM

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02:18 PM
@Laura2592 yeah, don't ask, you don't wanna know they are burning frankincense in your living room 😄
Ok, foraging could be interesting actually.... if not for the survival of course 🙂
09:39 AM

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09:39 AM
@Laura2592 What a lovely - even if rather ott - gushing message, and oh so enthusiastic (we receive lovely messages, but don't think we've ever received one like that! so what DOES your Sink look like, to warrant such enthusiasm?!)
If I had any concern it would be exactly who is "X"! what their sacred work
was going to be, and why her husband wasn't with her - but then, I have a strange mind at times, and who are any of us to say what any of our Guests do when they stay?!
Hopefully your Guest really did enjoy her stay, left everything sparkling, clean and in great order, and that she will return (either with "X" or her husband) to enjoy everything again, soon!