
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Mediocre Guest -- What would you do?

Level 10
Austin, TX

Mediocre Guest -- What would you do?

Anyone want to offer their thoughts:



Guest IBs my place:

    ~ hasn't read my house rules

    ~doesn't have a complete profile

    ~didn't answer the "pre-booking questions"

    ~has one prior stay: Review is 3*cleanliness, 5* communication, 3* house rules

             (the host who wrote that review no longer has an active listing so I can't ask them what happened and the text review is "nice person who communicated well")


I've already left a phone message and an ABB msg with the guest.




While I wait to hear back from this guest, what would you do in my shoes??

60 Replies 60


Strongly advocating for one tech method of communication over another, that works just fine for other people, is kind of like those people who insist on using a "washing up bowl" instead of the sink itself. 


No, I wasn't doing that. I advocate doing things the way others expect them to be done to make life easier. Its more like driving on the right when everybody else is driving on the right. Just like as your customer wanted to send you photos or diagrams by WhatsApp, but you couldn't receive them.

@Ian-And-Anne-Marie0  And I want to receive photographs by email. I'm providing a service to my customers. Why is the other person's preferred method of more importance than mine. People who run their entire lives through their cell phone can just as easily email me a photo through their email app as send it via Whatsapp or text. If they don't want to because that's not what they're used to doing, that's their problem, not mine.


Because Sarah, those people who want to send you their photos or diagrams are your customers.


You just need to show your customers some respect.


@Ian-And-Anne-Marie0  Oh for pete's sake- asking my customers to email me a photo rather than try to send it via phone has nothing to do with not respecting them, nor has one of them ever seen it as such. I'm not asking them to walk 5 miles and deliver it to me by hand, or put it in an envelope, go the post office and send it via snail mail. When I explain that I don't get photos by phone, they just say, oh, okay, and email it.

If you want to subscribe to every available method of communication, great. It doesn't mean anyone else is being disrespectful by employing their own methods.

And reread my post. You assumed when I said my clients say "I'll Whatsapp you" that I was talking about a photo. I was referring to those who want to use Whatsapp, or any other tech, for all communications and falsely assume that everyone else uses the same technology that they do.

I wouldn't presume to tell you how you should communicate with your guests unless you indicated you were having an issue with it and asked for advice. I don't see why you feel you need to tell other hosts who don't use the same methods, and who have no issues communicating with their guests, that they should do it your way and that doing otherwise is disrespectful. At least half my guests have told me they don't use Whatapp or the Airbnb app. It's really not that unusual.


@Ian-And-Anne-Marie0  You are becoming bullying & abusive (again).


Thanks !  You're true to form.


I'll remember never to attempt to help you again. Some people are beyond help.

@Ian-And-Anne-Marie0 I'd previously extended an olive branch in my "No hard feelings" message to you. - To no avail! - I can tell the difference between genuine offers of help  & aggressive intimidation/trolling. Please be sensitive to the fact that not all people my age can cope with new technology. Looks like @Stephanie has the  measure of things, by her (diplomatic) suggestion that you & @Sarah977  ease off..... tho' Sarah always manages to stay the right side of the line i.m.o.   


You don't let anything drop do you? 


Olive branch? LOL... You mean just after you realised I was trying to help you and prior to the ganging up silent assassin part ??


You did your thing again then didn't you... just can't keep your nose out. "No need to be so rude & unpleasant!" you said (check it out). No part of that conversation ever included you.(check it out). The statement I made (not to you) was factual, as is everything I quote. This copied from a previous post. My post is still there. One of yours isn't! Thanks Steph....


Your 'never following the conversation' never helps. You don't ever follow the detail of the conversation, you fully drop yourself in it after missing the facts then when pointed out you claim to have been bullied and victimised. Further, you have the gaul to copy in others to your goads like you're one half of a velociraptor pair with the intention of what? To cause stir and even more drama !! Gladly, you were ignored. (check it out).


You did that again in you previous goading post.


Please don't you cry about your age.. again! You're no older than me, and thats no age to feel sorry for, possibly if you sob enough it might just about be an age you might get some sympathy for so maybe you just try to milk it!


Just in this thread alone you have illustrated clearly how you can’t follow a conversation, are expectant, controlling, needy and insulting. (Please do ask me for references, I'm fully prepared to quote and provide them).


You're entitled to your opinion and I was diplomatic in my previous reply to you, but you obviously need some drama in your life. Rather than blaming your guests for your less than stellar review, and needing to ramp up the anxiety before you pass judgement - and despite your controlling instructions pinned to your exit door and your guests inferior lack of 10/10 communication skills you possess, why don't you just, simply provide them the correct telephone number on your listing so they can contact you in the modern day way?


Pharmacist? He'll eat you for breakfast in every contest, and probably even in English. I'll bet you never even taken language into account.


Cherish your guests now. This time next year, you'll be missing your Polish guest or Portugese, or Ukrainian or other European hospital worker needing local accommodation because sadly, they just won't be there anymore and you will have no guests looking for an in between shift stay and drama will have left.


Oh, FYI  'Accuracy' has no bearing on communication or where the marker drops on a street plan. It is a measure of the description of your listing you write compared to the actual listing in real life.





@Ian-And-Anne-Marie0 - @Sarah977 & I are old-school-Airbnb letting our spare rooms. We don't have 'customers', we have GUESTS! Guests have a responsibility to co-operate with the host, & fit in with their norms! - Gracious guests, not entitled  customers! 🙂


If you pay attention to the thread, @Sarah977  referred to her upholstery 'guests' who wanted to use WhatsApp.. as 'customers'



@Ian-And-Anne-Marie0 And if you paid attention to my post, I never said they wanted to send a photo via Whatsapp. They want to text it to me. 

And I've never lost or angered an upholstery client because I asked them to email me the photo.


@Ian-And-Anne-Marie0 And if you paid attention to my post, I never said they wanted to send a photo via Whatsapp. They want to text it to me. 

And I've never lost or angered an upholstery client because I asked them to email me the photo.



Sarah, I'm awfully sorry, I must have made a mistake.


Oh, no, sorry I didn't:


@Sarah977  wrote:

I get the same thing with my upholstery clients sometimes. I explain to them that I don't use a smart phone, and if they need to send a diagram or photo, they need to email it to me, but then they still try to send me photos through the phone, call me 2 days later, asking if I got the photo. Or they say "I'll Whatapps you", as if everyone on the planet uses Whatsapp.

Read, folks. Listen. Amazing how that makes things go smoother.



@Ian-And-Anne-Marie0  It's not in the least bit comparable to driving on the right or left. Driving on the wrong side of the road to that which is customary in any given country would be extremely dangerous and against the law. There's nothing illegal or dangerous about not subscribing to Whatsapp or the Airbnb app..


The point is.. When your customers want to send you a photograph or diagram on the right side of the road.. YOU are insisting they send them on the left !!?

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

@Ian-And-Anne-Marie0 @Sarah977 @Helen350 


Things are getting heated and it's because we have such strong and differing opinions. I think it's safe to say we won't agree on this but that's fine because you're hosting styles, listing and such are vastly different. I hope we can leave it at that - if you need to talk to me about this do feel free to drop me a DM. 







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