@Mark1511 I'm really sorry this happened to you and yes, it's absurdly outrageous that some princess guest can maliciously tank your rating and lead you to be suspended.
One thing I can tell you, though. Those messages that you posted that you are sending to CS will get you nowhere. You are being far too wordy- that's not the way to get any appropriate response from CS, based on my experience. Statements like "during my suspension I'LL make the decision whether I want to continue with your flawed rules and targets." and " A i r b n b need to look at their policies immediately - am I the only host to make this complaint? No, I don't think so....." are pointless to direct at CS- they are just lowly employees tasked with answering messages and phone calls- they don't make policy and those who research such things can tell you that CS staff has a high level of dissatisfaction with how they are treated by management- in other words, Airbnb doesn't do right by them anymore than they do right by hosts.
When communicating with CS about an issue, here are some tips-
State your issue as briefly and simply as possible. Don't write in paragraphs- use bullet point form in chronological order of what happened.
Be polite- they have angry hosts and guests yelling at them all day- as I said, they don't make policy, are poorly trained- bad Airbnb policy isn't their fault. Thank them for their time and responses, even if it isn't the response you wanted.
State clearly what outcome you are requesting.
I know it's very hard to remain patient and civil when dealing with some of these awful and unfair policies, but if your goal is to get help and hopefully reverse the original decision, there are tricks to doing so. Patience, persistence and politeness, as well as not addressing CS staff as if they were the corporate decision makers seem to get the best results.