Missing amenities and partial refund

Level 1
Tallinn, Estonia

Missing amenities and partial refund

Hi! It is my second stay with airbnb and i desperately need your advise.

And please excuse my poor English 😁


I rented a flat in Rome from 17.11 to 01.12. There were two very important amenities for me: wifi, as i work remotely, and washing machine, as i was going to stay in Rome for 2 weeks and it was very important to have an opportunity to do a laundry.


So from 17th to 21st wifi was unstable sometimes and i informed the host about that. On the 22nd wifi just died, the speed was 0.04mbps and i had to share my roaming wifi from the phone (extra money). 

The same day i tried to do a laundry here but the washing machine just started leaking from the bottom. I messaged about this to the host,  he told me that he contacted a technician. There were several messages from him "technician will come tomorrow", tomorrow have already passed but still no wifi and laundry. 

So i dont really know what to do. This week i contacted airbnb support as well, but they asked me to give the host chance to fix it. 

I asked him yesterday about update, but haven't received any answer yet. Isn't 6 days enough for fixing?


I would like to ask for partial refund, but dont really understand how much i can ask. For someone missing wifi is not a big deal, but not for me, as i need to do my work during this stay. And as it is Italy i am not sure that it will be fixed next week as well.


So at the moment i have to pay for extra roaming Internet and coin laundry 🥲


And one more thing. The host told airbnb support that the washing machine was fine before. I am afraid that he will try to blame me! But i have nothing to do with that. This washing machine is from the 2005, has a lot of mould (before i didnt ever know that there can be mould!) on the rubber seal and a big hole there!


So my questions are:

How much can i ask for a refund? (For 2 weeks i paid about 980 euros)

Is it possible to blame me in a breakdown of very old mouldy washing machine and make me pay for the fix? (btw i am more than sure that repair will cost more that the same washing machine from 2005)

Are my little problems adequate causes to start rehome?

2 Replies 2
Level 10
New York, NY

Hi @Catherine2679, you have the right to expect the advertised amenities to work.  You've taken the right steps and you're right that the host has had plenty of time to get things fixed.  Take pictures of the washing machine and get back in touch with Airbnb.  This article says they will step in if the host doesn't respond in one hour:  https://www.airbnb.com/help/article/248/if-something-is-wrong-at-checkin


This article tells you what qualifies for a refund:  https://www.airbnb.com/help/article/3028/travel-issues-eligible-for-refunds


You might only get a refund for the days you don't stay if you check out and get re-housed right away.

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Catherine2679  The thing to keep in mind is that if you just continue to stay after informing a host of issues, giving them a reasonable amount of time to fix  the problem, or letting you know they can't, the assumption is that the issues weren't egregious enough to cause you to leave.


You have given the host more than enough time to either deal with things or not. So now it's time to contact Airbnb to say the amenities that were crucial to your choosing to book this place are not working, so you can't continue with this booking.


As for an appropriate refund, it isn't really the guest's call to demand some specific amount. If a host doesn't offer a refund without you asking (a good, responsible host would likely offer 50% refund for crucial missing amenities, unless it was just a momentary outage), it's up to Airbnb to determine what refund they think is warranted.