My property is officially for sale

Level 10
Frederick, MD

My property is officially for sale

So many mixed feelings. 


We have it one weekend only. Open house Sunday. Offers due Monday. Already 3 showings booked and it went up a few hours ago.


I want it to sell/don't want it to sell. I would not miss ABB. So if it sells for the price I want, it will be far less stress and drama. But I love the property. So if we don't get close I am happy to keep it. Having it offline for a week to get it listed has been a huge relief. I am so burnt out on hosting. No matter what happens I will be changing my strategy. 


Let me know if you want to see a link or a cute video tour! I can't post it here. 


Edit* @Stephanie added Instagram link to @Laura2592 's house tour

31 Replies 31
Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand

All the best @Laura2592  that's a huge decision to make for you all.

Maybe if it sells, you could be a Guest and relax in your own property prior to official changeover date!

Would love to see a video/ link to it.

Are you able to send it via the message system?


Remember to focus on all those fabulous and funny times you have had.

You have a compilation of some of those here in CC to reflect on.




Thanks for all your contributions you have made here in CC, we are all richer for them.


Level 10
Auchenblae, United Kingdom

@Laura2592 I’ve missed your posts but wish you the very best of luck - if the right offer(s) come along then it’s meant to be.


My calendar is blocked from Autumn until I decide what I want to do - I’m burnt out too but every time I decide I’ve had enough  a chunky booking comes in.

Keep us posted and yes we’re nosy and would love a link to the listing. 

Hugs. I hope life brings you joy. I know this is a tough decision. ❤️🙏🏾❤️

Level 10
Victoria, Australia

@Laura2592, all the best H. We will miss your bubbly personality 

Level 10
Austin, TX

@Laura2592 houses we love are hard to let go...  I do understand that panic feeling at every abb ding, so a new adventure might do you good!!

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

It's a shame but looks like you have great plans in the future @Laura2592 - feel free to DM me the video link and I can add it to your post.





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Level 10
Frederick, MD

Thanks everyone! I sent the link to @Stephanie. it was super dreary when they took the video but our space still manages to look cozy. 


Not sold yet! No offers yet. 6 tours scheduled today and an open house Sunday so we shall see. I'm putting it out to the universe as they say. 



Fingers crossed you get the price you want @Laura2592.

Level 10
California, United States

@Laura2592 ,

What an emotional rollercoaster. Hope your open house is immensely successful. You are a great asset to the Airbnb community & we're sad to see you go. I know how much you loved this house, though and I wish there was a way for you to hang on to it for yourself. 

@Lenore22 it's not like we NEED to sell. We are priced above market for a 2bed place so it's really a trial balloon. But no matter what we won't be able to use it the way we want for some time. Three properties over 100 years old each have a ton to manage and maintain. If we get our price for this one, great. But if not we definitely have to rethink our ABB approach.  My husband wants to spend more time in our new Orleans place for example.  Every single trip we take involves some kind of problem at the cottage. It's Murphys Law. We can be at home for months but leave and a guest throws a party ot shoots animals at the space etc. We just need more stability and support. 

Level 10
California, United States

Yeah, we decided a while ago that we are happiest with 3-5 rentals/month. For our own sakes, the sake of the neighbors, and try to just break even, since this is primarily our vacation home for us to visit family. The slower pace has been nice and also held our price higher. I hope that you find a solution that works better for you. What a wild ride it's been for you!

@Laura2592  when I go on a holiday I either close my Airbnb calendar or Silvia takes care of it.  No chance we would both go out of town while we have guests, as you said it's Murphys Law


Why wouldn't you just slow down like @Lenore22 ? Enjoy the cottage by yourself and rent it only when it is convenient for you?


You will not miss Airbnb but we will miss you and I am sure you will miss us... at least for a while 🙂

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

So sorry to see you go @Laura2592! All the best with your new adventure! 



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I will say, it should sell in this market. But if it doesn’t, rent it long term for a year. Ask potential tenants to bring a copy of their credit report. Also a quick check if your state court system is online (you’d be surprised what court filings reveal.) Here, I can also check to see if they’re up to date on property taxes (cars, etc..)


It’s a good way to screen for someone who will take care of your place if you don’t sell.