@Catherine-Powell can you or someone else please assist us??? We have been trying to collect on a Security Deposit and Late Charge, and the case is being handled by Shivanshu Mahajan, who claims to be an "Escalation Manager". Shivanshu is refusing to assist in the matter, and will not answer questions we have asked. Shivanshu has refused to address our concerns over damages as well. Your "Escalation Manager" has done nothing but provide excuses for the guests behavior, and complete disregard for House Rules.
We have a Security Deposit on our listing, and we are trying to collect for damages and extensive cleaning that was needed after the guest departed. The guest violated Airbnb's TOS, yet we the hosts, are being treated as we are in the wrong. I am more than willing to supply you with the email we have received so far.
Help would be appreciated!