New cleaning protocols in may

Level 2
Cape Coral, FL

New cleaning protocols in may

Is it true there will have to be 24 hours between bookings if you comply with cleaning protocols and 72 hours if you dont?

Top Answer
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello everyone,

@Melonie7@Jessica-and-Henry0@Susan17@Sarah977@Mark116, @Shannon199, @Amy375,


Just to provide you a little more clarity around this from the Airbnb Team. 


The new cleaning protocol is not mandatory. Hosts who follow the new cleaning guidelines will get a special call-out on their listings. For hosts who choose not to commit or can’t commit to the protocol, we’re offering an optional 72-hour booking buffer between stays. For more information, please refer to this Resource Center article: Coming soon: A new Enhanced Cleaning Initiative for hosts


I hope this helps.





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39 Replies 39
Level 2
Cape Coral, FL

And i read up you either opt in and clean the way they want and no booking for 24 hours or its opt out and they block you for 72 hours after each rental...this is complete crap

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello everyone,

@Melonie7@Jessica-and-Henry0@Susan17@Sarah977@Mark116, @Shannon199, @Amy375,


Just to provide you a little more clarity around this from the Airbnb Team. 


The new cleaning protocol is not mandatory. Hosts who follow the new cleaning guidelines will get a special call-out on their listings. For hosts who choose not to commit or can’t commit to the protocol, we’re offering an optional 72-hour booking buffer between stays. For more information, please refer to this Resource Center article: Coming soon: A new Enhanced Cleaning Initiative for hosts


I hope this helps.





Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.

Well of course it's not mandatory, @Lizzie, but best of luck to any host hoping to be seen in search placement who doesn't sign up for the scheme!


In every single news article I read on this subject yesterday, there was great credence and prominence given to fact that hosts opting into the Enhanced Cleaning Initiative will have completed a "learning program" and will be "certified", and in Airbnb's own press release it states.. 


"In May, we will launch the new Cleaning Protocol, with enhanced procedures and guidance on how to clean every room in a home. These guidelines will include a learning and certification program to empower our host community. And guests will be able to identify and book accommodations included in this program soon after hosts enroll"


Now while all this "learning program" and "certification" language all sounds suitably impressive, and will no doubt achieve the desired effect of fostering a sense of safety and confidence amongst the guest community, could we please have more in-depth details on what, exactly, this "education" and "certification" process entails?


Because if all that's involved in becoming "certified" is scrolling through a few pages on the Airbnb website and ticking a handful of boxes - with no real or independent confirmation or outside validation of the information provided by the host - then that's surely promoting a misleading impression and lulling unsuspecting guests into a false sense of security.


At the very least, the term used in relation to such a crucial and sensitive initiative should be "Self-Certified" To promote the cleanliness and sanitisation atandards of a listing as "Certified" - where no rigorous external checks and balances have been put in place - would be at best, misguided... and at worst, reckless, deceptive and downright dangerous. 

Great points @Susan17 

Perhaps Air BnB could provide space within our listings for hosts to describe their Cleaning protocals/approach. Just as we "Describe Our Space", "Describe Our Location" , etc.

Maybe a "Our Cleaning Approach" could be a headline and Air BnB could advise guests to review this section of the listing at this time prior to booking. And, with how the pandemic has changed the world Cleaning is as important as the location, atmosphere, etc to many guests!

Any host, who cares about their guests, their rental and their community [the greater majority of us! 😃 ] have ALREADY ENHANCED their cleaning routines and practices!!!

Great idea! I think I will add that as a heading and paragraph  in my description.

Not sure Airbnb has completely thought this through. What about existing back-to-back reservations? Will those listing be effectively at a disadvantage? Are hosts supposed to cancel all of those, or force guests to accept an alteration to add a day between reservations? 

I'd like to message Airbnb not to let back to back renting. My Caretaker does not want that.

@Heidi558  There's no need to message Airbnb about this. All you have to do is go to your Availability settings>Prep time and click on "Block one day (or two or three, whatever you want) before and after each reservation."  Also set "Advance notice" to one or two days so no one can request a same day or day-before booking.

This will make sure that your caretaker has time to wait before going in and cleaning- guests won't be able to make back-to-back bookings.

And don't be mislead by that "block one day before and after" setting. It makes it sound like you'd then be blocking 2 days between reservations- the day after one and the day before the next, but it actually doesn't work that way- it only blocks one day between reservations.

Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand

@Melonie7 @Mark116 @Jessica-and-Henry0 @Susan17 @Sarah977 





The article has been updated around 4-5 hours ago to clarify that it's only applicable for the other Option of Hosting  that's available  -may we assume that's for those who are hosting Essential workers,nurses, Dr and ther like for Covid19.

 To be honest, the article is not a very well written piece which surprises me as USA Today used to be a very good newspaper when we were able to get hard copies of it here in New Zealand in the hospitality trade.

Any hotel / motel saying they spray air freshener in there rooms between guests needs to be mindful the best way to ensure freshness in a room is to open windows & doors.

 I'd hope all who have air conditioning units ensure they are professionally cleaned on a regular basis as germs can & do sit in those units that also spread germs.








Level 10
California, United States

In USA Today's defense, the original news piece by Airbnb was poorly written, left more questions than answers and may as well of been written by a baboon.

Level 10
Orono, ME

These last two months of no guests have meant no cleaning my Airbnb's. For the first time in two years my "bleach headache," as I call it, has completely gone away. And I can now breathe much easier without coughing and hacking from all the chemicals. It feels so good to feel healthy again. I am truly not looking forward to the return of sanitization. 😞

hi Emilia42, and everyone....i have a "non toxic and synthetic fragrance free" space and am very wary of what Airbnb will deem as "qualified" cleaning agents. most cleaning products are highly toxic and i don't want to poison myself or my guests....airbnb is making the differentiation between "cleaning" and "disinfecting"....but the CDC states clearly, that the Covid-19  molecule is quite easy to break and disperse with a good scrubbing of soap and water. So will airbnb use this as a way to get advertising dollars if they list certain products that we have to use to get the esteemed, "call out" on the website?


@ChuckandCarole0  GREAT POINTS! 😃

I rent (bed)rooms in my home where I live. I do all the cleaning and have always received high ratings for cleanliness. My cleaning methods are impeccable.

Instant booking has never been an issue and nightly bookings are always welcome. I’ve hosted on other free platforms where guests who need a couch or need to rest while bicycling the world overnight are welcome. Keeping a clean home has never been an issue nor a chore but instead an act of respect for the next guest needing the same space to chill!

I feel those hosts with high ratings for cleanliness need to be exempt from this particular protocol. And that a shout out for keeping such high ratings be automatically part of our listing(s).

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Lizzie  It isn't mandatory like Instant Book isn't mandatory- if a host doesn't use Instant Book they are punished with a lower search ranking. Now if a host doesn't go for the 24 hour cleaning protocol they'll be punished by having an automatic 72 hour block between reservations.

It's like telling a child he doesn't have to go to bed at 8PM, but if he doesn't, he won't get any dessert.

A choice can't be considered much of a choice if there is a punishment attached to one of the two choices.