New guest count clarification

Level 10
Chicago, IL

New guest count clarification

Are we allowed 16 people on the reservation or on the property? I often have a family of let’s say 10 in town for a wedding wanting to host another 10 for brunch. The house is big and I am generally ok with. Does the new rule mean I can not allow it anymore. 

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Gros Islet, Saint Lucia


No, you cannot authorize a gathering of more than 16 people at your listing, and still abide by Airbnb's party policy:


In this excerpt from the policy, I bolded and italicized the text that would pertain to you and your listing:

  • Parties at single-family homes

    Until further notice, gatherings of more than 16 people at single-family homes are not allowed, regardless of host authorization.

    We trust hosts in single-family homes to set rules for small gatherings (fewer than 16 people) that are appropriate for their communities and consistent with local health authority restrictions on gatherings.

Don't just believe what I say, check the Airbnb Help Center
Level 10
Chicago, IL

@Debra300 thank you for the link. Did you get it emailed to you? Only briefly saw someone mention it and then googled a video by the woman who is head of hosting but did not get any rules sent to me