I would appreciate some help for my friend and neighbor in a little town in Costa Rica. Having lost her husband to an accident and being a single mother of two, I would love to see her be able to rent out the brand new little casita she built specifically to rent. This is a dream of her and her late husband's. Below is the message in Spanish and English that she received today after we rebuilt her site again yesterday. I made sure all of her credentials were in as a user and then made sure that all items were completed. I have two casitas of my own right next door to hers and am a Superhost so am somewhat familiar with what the listing is asking for... at least I thought I was. Anything you can do to help me help my neighbor would be wonderful. This is really important to her financially and emotionally of course.
"This is an airbnb message regarding a list that was recently activated in your account. We have determined that your listing was created as evidence or activated by accident. As such, we have removed the list. We apologize if this presents you with an inconvenience and we encourage you to create a new list if your intention is to include a space on airbnb.
For more information on creating listings visit
For your convenience the answers to our most frequently asked questions can also be found in our comprehensive help"
"Este es in mensaje de airbnb con respecto a una lista que se activo recientemente en su cuenta. Hemos determinado que su listado se creo como prueba o se activo por accdente. Como tal, hemos eliminado el listado. Nos dsculpamos si esto le presenta un inconveniente y lo alentamos a crear una nueva lista si su intencion es incluir un espacio en airbnb.
Para obtener mas informacion sobre las creacion de listados visite
para su comodidad las respuestas a nuestras preguntas mas frecuentes tambien se pueden encontraf en nuestro cneteo do ayuda integral"
Thank you in advance for any help,