Could someone please advise what I am supposed to do.
I messaged a guest via Airbnb to cancel her reservation before the end of April Due to COVID 19.
I didn't want her to lose any money while she is covered by Airbnb policy.
The rules in the area are for only essential travelling and I knew her travel was not essential going by her messages when booking.
I finally saw on my reservation cancelled. But it still showed the amount owing to me.
I messaged her again asking if she did it correctly as my other cancellations show up as zero.
I have now received a message from Airbnb that the guest is requesting the amount.
I rang Airbnb to clarify if all I need to do is click accept.
I was told to decline and get the guest to ring Airbnb. I felt she didn't really want to help.
As per Airbnb policy, booking before March and staying in May, they should be entitled to the whole amount.
Has anyone just clicked accept the request? Or will there be any repercussions?