
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Not sure if I should mention smoke/smoking smell in review

Not sure if I should mention smoke/smoking smell in review

Hi, I posted a few days ago about this. Still unsure what to do for review. 

Guests left a really strong smoke smell which took days and lots of work to get rid of. I don't know if someone smoked or just had a super strong odor that got onto everything. I feel conflicted whether to leave this in a review.  They were good guests other than that. They have only other  good reviews (a lot from European stays which may be more tolerant of smoking, I don't know?)

I have to leave a review today, if I'm going to. I feel somewhat uncomfortable since they were nice and appreciative guests. But the smoke issue was bad, fortunately I didn't  have guests until 3-4 days later, but I was still worried about the lingering smell at that point even after all the cleaning.


Any thoughts on what to say in a review?


24 Replies 24


If it were me, and the lingering smoke smell was as bad as you say....... I'd mention it..... something like this. "(start with the positive stuff......) unfortunately, there was a strong lingering smoke smell in the room and on the furniture/linens when I went to clean after check out. It took several days and a lot of extra work to completely get rid of and air out."  


I like to state these types of things as factually as possible - other hosts who read the review can decide whether it's good or bad or something they can ignore. 

Level 10
Lincoln, Canada

@Jennifer1351 I totally agree with @Jessica-and-Henry0  and I think her sample review is great. I would definitely want to know: I hate the smell of smoke.

Level 6
California, United States

I would definitely want to know that as a host! I would still give them 5 stars for cleanliness and communication, but maybe 4 stars for observance of house rules if you say no smoking. Be honest about the things they were great on, but mention that the odor was really difficult to deal with and would have negatively affected the next guest if they had been checking in the same day. 

Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

@Jennifer1351  @Natalie294  I  only give 1-3 stars for house rules to guests who smoke in the house, depending on degree..... I see this as a VERY serious breach...  I mark them down for cleanliness too, because lingering smell is something the next guest might heavily ding you for!

Thank you for the feedback @Jessica-and-Henry0 @Natalie294 @Alexandra316 

Level 10
Austin, TX

@Jennifer1351  Just say it. The smell is an actual observation, not a hypothetical opinion. You’re not being mean. It just is what it is. 

“guests were personable & good communicators, unfortunately we had days of airing out & extra work to remove lingering smells after they left.”


1* clean.   1* house rules.    5* communication

would you host again? No

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Jennifer1351  Marking them down for following house rules isn't really fair if you didn't find any evidence of inside smoking and it could have simply been in their hair and clothing. But I don't see anything wrong with mentioning the strong smell. 

And yes, smoking is much more common and accepted in Europe and some other countries.

Thanks @Kelly149 & @Sarah977 , I will say something in the review. I did smell something in the trash, but couldn't get to it to check if it was cigarette butts - just didn't want to dig through all of it with a full bag from a 5 day stay and covid etc. I'll say something and probably mark down a little for cleanliness due to the excessive smell. And no to host again, and now I have a no smokers allowed for the listing after this. Thanks again for all the feedback, much appreciated! 

Level 10
Los Angeles, CA

If it took days to get rid of, then chances are that they were smoking in the room. I know from experience because smoke will billow through the vents when guest smoke in my guest suite. I've have 2 separate guests smoke in my private guest suite even thought it said "no smoking" in my listing and I have 2 very visible no smoking signs in the room.

My new strategy: Mention "no smoking" in the friggin' title of my listing!  You have to stop these people from the get-go! Also, for what it's worth, the two smoking guests booked only a day before check-in. Require at least 2 days notice and you'll get more responsible guests. Maybe lowering your price 5% or so, so that the good guests will book well in advance. Responsible people plan ahead.

Level 10
Placencia, Belize

@Jennifer1351 I am also a fan of yes mention it (and a 3), for the benefit of other hosts, but certainly would put a lot more emphasis on preventing it from happening again, which is what is most important for you..

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Hi Jennifer, I have no issue with guests smoking in our garden! After all, there was a time back in the 80's  when Ade and I were spending more a week on cigarettes than the mortgage for the house! We finally gave them up in 1992 and haven't smoked since!

I even have ashtrays at the outdoor seating areas to limit the flicking of butts into the garden.


However I do draw a firm line where smoking is concerned in the listing cottage. Some guests will feel if you allow it outdoors on the property the odd one inside won't matter. 

It is an addiction and, although something that is a deliberate act is not something (provided they were good guests in other ways) I would make an issue about in the review.


I am a bit proactive about inside smoking though and I try to head off any temptation by having one of these installed on the ceiling of the cottage.


Cigarette smoke detector.png


I tell guests who smoke that the alarm is very sensitive and any trace of cigarette smoke will set it off and trigger an alert on my phone, (that part is bullsh*t but, they don't know that). I suggest to them if they have smoked outside, it might be advisable to use a mouth spray a minute or so before they re-enter the cottage, just to be on the safe side.

Nobody has ever taken issue with me over this and Jennifer, nobody has ever put it to the test and I have had a fair percentage of smokers through here.


Telling them not to smoke is almost like throwing out a challenge, confront them with the detection hardware absolutely removes that challenge. 


At $48 US it's a steal and I can assure you, you won't have that problem again!




Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand

@Jennifer1351 @Fred13 @Pete69 and others, some of those imitation cigarettes/ tobacco/ vapes  have very pungent smells and leave hideous smells in furniture.

There's a vape that is called Tobacco flavour which is gross, others include watermelon, blueberry etc so don't get sucked in with those smells.


May I suggest you include a NO Vaping, Imitation tobacco, shisha etc in your listing House RULES as a preventive measure.


You won't necessarily see evidence of them in your rubbish as they are designed like USB and other devices.

 Read up online what they look like to be informed.


Smoking out doors is currently banned in Spain with Covid lockdowns...


@Jennifer1351definitely mention it and rank cleanliness down as bad smells are included in that.


All the best

@Helen427  I find vaping is much worse than cigarettes.  The smell is, to me anyway, more gag inducing and more difficult to get out.  We did have a heavy smoker stay with us, he didn't smoke in the house, but went outside for many,  many cigarette breaks and after check out there was a smell in the sofa of cigarettes but it dissipated by the next day.  The vaping people, that smell was in there for at least 3 days despite very active efforts to eliminate it.  

@Mark116 I always wondered about vaping; no kidding, it also has a smell and stays even longer? No wonder it is also banned in so many places now.