Number of guest on reservation not accurate

Level 1
Powder Springs, GA

Number of guest on reservation not accurate

My guest reserved for one but when I asked they mentioned 6 guest. Do they need to change the reservation?

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Arkansas, United States



Yes, I think you should ask them to do that. You should have that on the record and you might want to ask for ID for everyone.


I see that you don’t have a per person extra charge for every guest after the first two.


 I would recommend that you do that in the future.


If you have 3 couples together your cleaning costs could be huge.


None of them will want to take responsibility. It’s always someone else who is the pig, and of course the others are too polite to mention it to them.


This is one of the faults in the system. I think all adult guests should be required to verify their identities and be held responsible for any rule violations or damages.

Level 10
South Bruce Peninsula, Canada



@Brian2036is correct.


But also, as an example, I had a younger gentleman book.  His booking was for 1, but he stated in his booking request that there may be up to 3 other guests, he just didn't know which ones could take the time off.   He is an absolute charm and totally transparent, he

kept me updated as to the status of friends and whether they could join him. 


All it takes is a little bit of communication and a quick reservation change request.

That is my biggest complaint about hosting! I have added to my house rules that only the amount of people on the reservation will be allowed on the property overnight and any violation could end the reservation without refund. We are letting strangers rent our properties and when the first interaction with them is dishonest that sends up big red flags. 

We are critiqued on our accuracy, shouldn't this work both ways?