You know. I am a big lib. But to boycott a business because ...
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You know. I am a big lib. But to boycott a business because an investor has 7% invested is over the top. I wish he'd leave Do...
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So, the Summer Release rolled out back in early May. Since then, my views have dived and I've barely gotten any enquiries, let alone booking requests, and I've had no bookings at all except for a couple from returning guests.
I have recently been in contact with CS about this. After a bit of back and forth, I was told that there was an engineering team working on fixing some of the glitches related to the Summer Release (this was vague, so I don't know which specific glitches they were referring to) but there was really nothing they could do in the meantime to help me. I am not knocking the CS Rep who, as it happens, was pretty decent compared to most I've dealt with in the last couple of years. It just wasn't within his control to do anything to help me.
Then, all of a sudden, I get an enquiry. No big deal, I hear you say, but it's the first one in a month and for a listing that used to be my most popular but that seemed to drop off the map completely after the Summer Release. Then, today, I got a booking request for that same room and, after a bit of back and forth, accepted it. That is literally the first booing in two months.
Maybe it's a complete coincidence, or maybe something has happened.
Have any other hosts who saw their bookings totally drop off after the Summer Release seen some sort of improvement after speaking to CS or in general over the last few days? I would be interested to know....
Yeah my views crashed and my bookings dropped off in May and early June. I dropped down to 3 bookings for a one month period! But things are back to normal for the past month for me, here is my current exposure Huma
Views are still down but I seem to be getting plenty of bookings considering we are in the middle of winter here, and I closed off a big chunk of my Airbnb calendar when I first became aware of 'Summer Release' programming alterations. I have had no trouble filling July, August and half of September with alternate business. I didn't want to go chasing business outside of Airbnb, but I wasn't going to sit with an empty property until they decided to get their act together. I would love to know how much money that programming alteration cost them, if my experience is any where near typical in the hosting community it must have been substantial.
I am pleased to hear you are getting some interest back Huma, it is so annoying that the company seem to have no concept of what damage they do to their hosts every time they tinker around with the program to suit their own whims.
Anyway, for the time for us, it's back to business as usual!
That's interesting to hear.
Well, I am not going to get too over excited. It's just one booking after all. Still, that is literally the first one since the Summer Release, so it feels like I just won the lottery, which is ludicrous, I know...
I’ve gotten a whopping total of two reservations since the release, both within the last 10 days. One for one night in August, another for two nights next April. It’s not great, but at least I know I still (kind of) exist in here in Airbnb-land.
Did you also notice any change in your number of views over those 10 days? I was wondering if your listing is now more visible or if it's just a coincidence...
Apparently my views are up by 24, but they are still at a depressing 204. (Past 30 days)
By the way, I've seen a few hosts here say they closed off their Airbnb calendars. I know that means they were trying to get bookings elsewhere, but why did you feel the need to close off the Airbnb calendar (just out of interest) if you could synch it? Or, were there problems synching it with the other avenues you were using?"
Every time I have attempted to sync calendars across platforms in the past I have found it less than seamless! Dates open up that shouldn't have, pricing mysteriously changes, but in this instance Huma, I was not totally bloody minded by Airbnb's programming action.
I have been approached by the University of Adelaide (one of 3 major universities in our city) to host visiting academics, and a one month placement over July/Aug popped up about the time this summer release business took effect.
As I found myself having to deal with this Airbnb about face in promotional strategy with absolutely no Beta testing, no courtesy email telling me that change was in the wasn't there one night, next morning it was, I didn't feel to bad about transacting this business (that had no connection to Airbnb) without involving them.
The uni wants a reliable stable working relationship and it's hard to put a long term strategy in place when the goal posts keep shifting all the time. It has to work not just for me but for client as well. As these placements are predictable and negotiated many months in advance I am hopeful this business will mesh in with my regular hosting!
That sounds like an excellent opportunity. I have also thought about approaching universities RE visiting academics. The ones I have hosted in the past have been great guests. It would definitely be nice to have some regular bookings outside of Airbnb.
It's early days yet Huma but, the overwhelming thought in my mind has been....I won't get ratbags!
In general, academics have not got where they have by throwing their weight around, being party animals or skimming over details, they are thoughtful, considerate folk.
My visiting European professor is here, we have already had a wine or two, he is great company and keeping the cottage in excellent shape, Betts gets on well with him and everything in our garden is rosy just now.......except the roses, being winter.
I am going to pursue more of this type of guest Huma, I have had almost 8 years of hosting, it's been a wonderful ride and I feel my life is so much the richer for having become an STR host. But I am at an age where I do start to feel the pressure of doing 3-4 cottage turnarounds a week, even though I do have help I have to keep up that supply of fresh linens and is demanding. It would be nice to pull back just a bit and the prospect of hosting longer term guests is starting to have an appeal to me.
The ironic part about this situation Huma is, Airbnb have pushed me into it!
Yes, 3-4 turnarounds a week is a lot. That is one of the reasons why I switched to long term guests. It got to the point where all those check ins were starting to interfere with my work, I was exhausted and also having to turn down too many other opportunities. It was certainly a lot of fun meeting so many different people from around the world, but I still get to meet them, just fewer of them!
As well as the university, you might want to talk to local hospitals/medical facilities nearby. I am not sure about Mount Barker, but here we do get travelling doctors and nurses and I have hosted a few. The doctors tend to be from abroad and the nurses more local. They have all been great guests, except one who ran off with a two week refund that Airbnb had given her in error!
Glad to hear your professor is working out well.
High season and bookings are worse than winter. It suits me this year but thinking of trying an alternative site
@Huma0 I hope you are right. I got a booking Tuesday night and another one this early morning (even though this one is for next year). Seem like things are getting better. Hope it will continue.
That's interesting to hear. Let's all keep each other updated as to whether we see any improvements with our bookings.
I have been told that Airbnb are trying to tackle some of the problems with the Summer Release. It doesn't seem to me that they are going to scrap it/the categories - quite the opposite, they are going to cling on to it - but hopefully, some of the glitches might be sorted...
I will be keeping my eyes open to see what happens!