Yes, technically, the shareholders are paying for it, but who is paying the shareholders? I think @BenkaandKeith0 was referring more to where the actual earnings come from. In his opinion, it's from the hard work of the hosts, which is something that can be argued, and I was talking a little bit more literally, in terms of the commission, which if you look at it that way means that the guests are paying more, and I don't believe that guests would have any objection to the OMG fund.
As for ethics, that's not so much my concern in this case. You may well be right that the new listings will pay for themselves, and more, over time and are not a bad investment. But, the fund is not about that. It's a PR exercise (and this has been confirmed from the horse's mouth) and not a bad one. I spent years working in PR and am happy to give credit where credit is due.
My issue with it, and the subject of my post (which was actually just a comment that the moderators decided to move to a new post) was to do with the TIMING of it, which I felt was rather off given that hosts were still reeling from the Summer Release and wounds were very fresh indeed. Airbnb clearly agree that they got this wrong, which is why the announcement was removed from the CC sharpish. So, as a PR exercise, it failed as far as one audience (a chunk of hosts) was concerned, but perhaps has been successful to other audiences. I don't know.
The idea was to bring attention to the platform and, if that helps hosts, then great. The problem is the Summer Release fiasco, which many hosts, including me, are still very much feeling the ill effects of. Bringing more people to the platform is of little to use to hosts whose listings appear to have disappeared off the map. I have no objection to the fund itself, and am pretty sure I've seen Airbnb run similar competitions in the past, but right now it represents something (the Summer Release/direction Airbnb is going) that is very upsetting to a lot of long standing hosts. It is no wonder that emotions are running high.