Wondering if that guest fits the profile of any guest that L...
Wondering if that guest fits the profile of any guest that Los Angeles or other areas hosts might have hosted...older lady in...
About Airbnb new politic: Wearing a mask and practice social distancing.
I want to notify my point of view.
It's not Airbnb, job or right to impose what I should do inside MY PROPERTY and never the less, what I should do with my OWN PERSON/BODY.
If the guests want to protect themself, it's their right and decision.
Airbnb passed my own limits, and the limit of what right they have over MY PROPERTY, or what they can require me to. I don't agree, they to impose me the need to wear a mask inside MY PROPERTY. It's not a public place.
I hope Airbnb will back off with their stupid, abusive and useless decision before November, 20th.
If I don't have any choice, I will, the 19th of November, not one day before, (dis)agree to your NEW ABUSIVE RULE. Meanwhile, I will look for alternatives to Airbnb.
In Mexico, the active covid cases represent less than 0,1%.
fake, fake and fake! If you don't like the mask, don't involve WHO! While waiting for the moderators to wake up or for the WHO to come over to denounce the comment, look at this page. https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public/when-and-how-to-us....
It is clearly written: "If COVID-19 is spreading in your community, stay safe by taking some simple precautions, such as physical distancing, wearing a mask, keeping rooms well ventilated, avoiding crowds, cleaning your hands, and coughing into a bent elbow or tissue. Check local advice where you live and work. Do it all!
Make wearing a mask a normal part of being around other people."
A simple google search would have been enough to find out the truth!! Here there is nothing clear and lucid, in lies there is only lie! You are making confusion by randomly putting various and past WHO statements! Check also what it is written at the top of that page: "These materials are regularly updated based on new scientific findings as the pandemic evolves. Last updated 20 October 2020".
So please change your mind and cancel that comment as the best answer. It is a clear fake.
Thank you
Regardless of the stats of Covid, it is appalling that Airbnb assumes agreement. Also, there is no guidance for what to do if you don't wish to agree. No acknowledgement that for all kinds of reasons, regardless of Covid, following the new protocol could be simply impractical or psychologically invasive. It's also very strange indeed that (just like everywhere else) there's no description of what changes would lift the restrictions. There should be a clear and continual discussion of acceptable levels of Covid, just like other illnesses, which is presumably a part of our future. It is like being taken hostage, that there is never discussion of this. Also, The World Health Organisation has ruled that people should be masking, unless they are sick or looking after the sick, as there is a world shortage of masks, and NO EVIDENCE THAT IT HELPS. SO it is very curious, that Airbnb have made this kamikaze move on their business.
I think that all those who are against the mask should accept another point of view. They have to, otherwise they are not worthy to respectfully host perfectly unknown people from anywhere in the world. There is no doubt that Covid is devastating several nations and millions and millions of people, psychologically and effectively. You never know where the host comes from and, even if he came from places free from disease, as long as they really exist, if he has relatives or friends in the middle of the pandemic, maybe seriously ill or even worse. You can therefore never know the sensitivity that a guest has towards the mask which, you have to realize, is not used for Halloween but to feel more safe and avoid getting sick and making loved ones sick. The basic rule that obliges everyone to wear a mask protects the right of all of us, even hosts, to feel safer without having to suffer disrespectful and selfish decisions taken only from one side. Nothing prevents you from making different agreements but only with everyone's clear agreement. Nothing prevents you from kissing the guest and then maybe marrying him if he agrees! I perfectly realize the many problems for those who want to continue to rent a room inside their home, but it seems to me that every time they are in the same room with possibility of interacting they have to wear a mask.
@Helen427 @Dale711 @Sarah977
The purpose of my intervention, was not to make a debate over you / I / we should wear a mask.
Here it's not the place for that. Neither to separate what is or what you believe is fake news.
If you want to protect yourself do it, and leave the rest of the planet alone.
Airbnb is GOING TOO FAR by imposing what I should do with my body and what I can do inside MY PROPERTY.
Airbnb lost in seight that MY PROPERTY is a PRIVATE place, not public.
Airbnb forget that without us, they are nothing.
If Airbnb want to change the term of the contract we have together, I should have my word to say;
But instead they threaten us to be banned from the platform.
For my part, I'm suffocate with a mask and I found more evidence that there is more harm than benefit wearing a mask when you're not sick or not working or be around sick peoples or being in a crowded place
witch an Airbnb is not.
That's it. If you agree, they are over passing their role, let Airbnb knowing it.
Hi @Ben529,
write that the WHO says that masks are useless is a fake news! Here it's the place for recognize that!!!! Did you go to the site I linked before? Have you heard the WHO? Please get your reasons without playing dirty and spreading untruths! Criminal untruths because they involve a world health institution about health advices!
However, your POINT is unacceptable if you sell your private property in a PUBLIC place as airbnb with COMMON rules and milions of visitors from everywhere. Do you realize it?
But it is much more useful to talk about the first part. Please cancel that answer as "accepted solution".
Thank you
Once again, it's so simple:
You can do whatever you want on your property. However, when you choose to use the AirBnB platform to rent your space, then you follow their rules. It's really pretty simple @Ben529 , and it's a CHOICE you have made.
If you don't like what AirBnB is telling you to do, then leave the platform.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
What truly fascinates me is that the very vocal "I won't wear a mask because the state has no right to tell me what to do with my body" brigade are so often the same group who would give the state agency over a women's uterus. Of even more wonder is the sophistry in which they engage as they attempt to resolve the cognitive dissonance engendered by these competing beliefs.
@Louise0 I couldn't agree more. The funniest part is that @Ben529 doesn't seem to understand that he has made a choice to be on the AirBnB platform, and therefore would be subject to complying with their rules.
He can opt off the platform and do whatever the $%&* he wants on his own property, but he has no right to jeopardize the health of others via STRs and no protective measures/social distancing. Never mind the sophistry (great word!) generated by his downright ignorance.
Hello everyone,
Sadly, I see no point in keeping this conversation open due to the nature of some comments here. As previously stated by @Francesco1366, please check the facts before spreading information (thank you for reminding everyone @Francesco1366).
"During the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s important to keep health and safety in mind. We’ve created a set of mandatory COVID-19 safety practices for both hosts and guests of Airbnb listings, based on guidance from the World Health Organization and the US Centers for Disease Control. In addition, you should be familiar with general health and safety guidelines for COVID-19 safety, continue to monitor applicable government travel restrictions and advisories, and follow all national and local guidelines."
Thank you,
**This topic has been closed—thank you for participating.