Odd situation. Needed advice


Odd situation. Needed advice

Please advice me.

I had a guests who ran from my place, before  the check  out day, Because,  they left the quality bedding items, (sheets,  pillows, towels,  bathroom rug, mattress pad) plenty  of blood  an chemical yellow substance.   The  room dirty,  garbage in the bathroom,  etc.  I let Airbnb  knew, I  filled the claim, sent pictures, but they do nothing for me,  as  a host.  Go and forth  emails asking for info.  Also I  have a video and kept the disgusting stuff as a prove.   This situation affected my wellbeing.   Please what i need to do?

Top Answer
Level 10
Jersey City, NJ

@Pia317  It sounds like you've done the right things so far, all that is left is to keep vigilant with contacting airbnb to get them to resolve the claim.

6 Replies 6

@Pia317  I'm sorry you had to encounter a disturbing mess like this .  I'm not entirely clear on what the damage was, but if I read correctly that there was a lot of blood on all the linens and towels, this sounds like something more serious than just a mess. Are we talking about a potential crime scene or a medical emergency here, or just small blood stains here and there? Did the guests tell you why they left early?

Hi Andrew,


Thank you for your understanding, it was shocking and sad.  No.  They did not, becauseThe guests ran from the stay, before the check out day.  Airbnb had the pictures.  So, thanks for the support.

@Pia317  Well...perhaps I misunderstood what you meant by "plenty of blood" - maybe you're just talking about a few spots or a menstrual situation - but I think if the guests "ran" hastily from the stay and broke off all contact and I found large amounts of blood all over the house, I'd call the police before touching anything. If something bad happened there, I wouldn't want to be accused later of tampering with evidence.


Disregard if "plenty of blood" was just an exaggeration.

Ok.  Thank you for your advice.


Level 10
Jersey City, NJ

@Pia317  It sounds like you've done the right things so far, all that is left is to keep vigilant with contacting airbnb to get them to resolve the claim.

Thank you Mark.


I wish  Airbnb manager case answer as promptly as you did with you support.