O meu nome é Débora Fonseca e venho, por este meio, apresen...
O meu nome é Débora Fonseca e venho, por este meio, apresentar os meus serviços especializados em limpeza de alojamentos loc...
I am just curious why design on websites and forums keeps changing to less user friendly one? Literally first time users I know are having hard time navigating on both here and website now. Why not just keep what is already working good enough?
@AZ-Housing0 agreed, I didn't have an issue with the old forum, except there were a few boards that needed to be retired. Instead they did this "clean up" which allowed them to sweep a lot of spicy threads away (well, so it seems), and they took away a few functions: recent poster, user profiles, like button transparency. I agree the forums are not "improved" in any meaningful way.
Hi @Gillian166
You know this space so well - thank you for bringing up these aspects of the redesign.
I thought I'd pop on and just confirm that we're still in the process of migrating posts from the old board to the new one, which is why it might seem like there are posts missing. You can still access threads on the old board by using the search bar.
We'll be looking to archive a number of old threads, I think you've mentioned previously that you've noticed old and possibly irrelevant threads moving over, but we need to focus on migration first and then work on tidying things up when that's done.
With regards to any of the more spicy posts, nothing's changed in how we deal with those kind of discussions, so basically if it was there before the redesign (and had been flagged previously by a report and OCM and not needing moderation) then it'll end up here on the new board during migration.
As you know, we've reinstated the recent poster and user profile functions, and the like button transparency is part of the feedback that we're looking at. We're listening and capturing feedback wherever we can, as we know this is your space, and we're glad to have members that are quick to give us the heads up when something doesn't look right.
Your feedback is always appreciated, and I'm adding it to our ongoing feedback collection, along with @AZ-Housing0 's.
@Jenny thanks. I'm not sure how I feel about the Like button, is it better to be anonymous or transparent? it certainly allows timid people to show solidarity without any commitment (although let's not kid ourselves that liking a post would ever be truly anonymous), but i must admit the one time I had another user have a go at me, I did look at who liked her surprise, angry/ranty post and I still remember those people.... I'd probably prefer to live in ignorance 🤣
I hear you @Gillian166 - it's great for solidarity and validation - but I know others have mentioned that it doesn't feel great if there's been conflict and people agree with the opposing side!
It's a valid point actually, that anonymising it allows people to be more open with their kudos, so I'll add this in with the feedback and make sure that it's considered!
@Jenny well - typical me - I could argue both sides! (high school debating just trained me that way), and logically both sides are correct. I think seeing the Likes probably only adds to angst so if you made me choose I would side with the anonymous option, but not fussed either way.
It is a default browser feature (copy a link and open in new window) , so why would it not work on a Mac ?
Example for Jenny's reply in this thread (2 kudos at the moment):
oh! @Emiel1 what link are you copying? i'm having a senior moment, lol, I cannot work out what you are doing. I tried following Rob's instructions and it didn't work.
if you right click the like box, there's no option to open in a new page.
edit: worked it out, you need to also press control on a mac. doesn't always work though.
@Emiel1 also, of course we still get a notification with the name of the person who liked our comment, so it's not truly anonymous to the poster.
I find the new design pretty difficult to navigate, and hence, I'm less likely to tune in or contribute.
I recently told @Ann72 in a private message that I don't find the new design very appealing, and as a result I haven't been inclined to participate in the blog as I did before. This redesign reminds of how Amazon took away the ability to respond to reviews. I know some folks would go off of the rails, but often the responses provided needed information to clarify, confirm or correct a review (e.g., a person would say something about a feature or function, and a respondent could add helpful context for the OP and review readers).
@Debra300 I agree. While I admire the new design esthetically, it just doesn't draw me in. The red of the old design was much more compelling. I don't find myself that interested in the different categories, even while agreeing that the topic categories needed a refresh. Now I choose one, scroll through, think "same-old-same-old," and leave.