Photoshoot inquiry

Level 1
Dallas, TX

Photoshoot inquiry

I received an inquiry from a photographer who wants to use our house for a Photoshoot. It’s just for one day, but I was wondering if anyone else has had experiences with this or perhaps it is something to avoid. Any advise would be greatly appreciated!

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Penngrove, CA

I believe this subject has come up before and I think the consensus was don’t do it. Besides the obvious like a porn shoot, things can be all moved around and damaged. Plus what a deal! Most properties that do commercial photo shoots charge way more than you probably are charging. 

Level 10
Hay Valley, Australia

@Erin6216 I'm actually a photographer so might have some insight and of course a different opinion.
A really big commercial shoot will go through an agency most likely, so you're probably only going to attract a small freelancer. Most freelance photographers can't usually afford the commercial rates that some places charge, so an airbnb is a great option for a venue. I shoot a lot of stock photography and most of us that are serious always look for venues to shoot in, that are reasonably priced. Lots of wannabe models are always looking at places to do photoshoots (not porn!), and they have a budget of $0 usually. I've done photoshoots in a few airbnbs we stayed in, but it was just simple stuff with my family. 

I would be open to this but would have a whole set of extra rules to comply with. 
what type of shoot, how many people, how much equipment, all furniture to be returned to original position, an extra charge will apply for damaged floors, walls or furniture. And i'd also ask nicely to get a few copies of pics so i could post to socials (depending on the topic of course). A small photoshoot will have no greater impact than a regular stay, and they probably aren't going to take a shower or cook a meal, so that's a win. And it could be a good way to fill in the slower days of the week/orphan days.

What I wouldn't do is offer a discount for "just a photoshoot" which is how i've been approached in the past. they think because they aren't sleeping over they can get a lower rate, boggles the mind how people have no clue how this business works. So those people got a polite NO from me. 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

If someone wants to do a photoshoot at your premises then it is a commercial booking and they should be paying a commercial rate.


if you want to consider the booking you need to know how it's going to be used, purposes of the photoshoot,  for how many people visiting and staying, you need a copy of their professional indemnity and liability insurance and agree things like moving of furniture /attachments to walls etc  @Erin6216 


whether it's a photoshoot for an ad agency or a freelance they should still be paying a commercial rate


you need to agree terms for the photoshoot in addition to any booking through Airbnb (personally as someone who commissions lots of photography I don't think Airbnb is an appropriate platform)