Airbnb deleted the Monthly Stays platform December 2021 and crashed my 2 guesthouse business which had achieved 93% occupancy for 2021. I set both units at 31 days minimum which voids all taxes ( at lease in Oregon) and makes the product legally allowed in places where STR Airbnb are not allowed. This move also results in Airbnb reducing its 14.6% STR fee rate to 10.6% LTR rate plus it makes cleaning fees not relevant to the math of the transaction so delete it and guests love the perks.
In a flash the hungry for housing market place of Travel Workers calculate they can instantly book ( or not) exactly the housing they want for exactly the term they want. The fees are a bargain and boom the exploding market place hosted by Airbnb Monthly Stays is born again to the post COVID world of Live & Work.
December 2021 Aorbmb deleted Monthly Stays as a search category from its product line and replaced it with new products no one wants to buy and no market has been created. Airbnb forgot it was in the business of Lodging.
Every market needs a market place. I want my 93% ocuupancy business back! Aiirbnb mus relaunch the platform, revamp the product to target the Travel Worker community in a more intentional way and market the heck out of it and dominate the Monthly Stays market place all across the USA.
P.S. I advise against Instant Book for monthlys. The true sincere user will always inquire about details of the place before booking since they live there for on average of 3 months. This also avoids the trap of the Service Animal guy who is using and abusing the system to get into rentals not normally available to them. In fact my experience boycott Instant Book and you will notice immediately the better higher quality of guest inquiring about your property.