Please help wording a review

Level 10
Chicago, IL

Please help wording a review

Guest booked for 4. He asked to park his car early, which was fine. When we were scheduling the time to meet for ID check, he asked to do it in the am when he was parking. I asked my housekeeper to check IDs and send me a picture as I could not be there. The guest was explained that everyone has to be present for ID check. Next thing I knew I got only 2 IDs from the housekeeper. I messaged the guest and asked him if it was only 2 people now. He said 2 bowed out but he would ask 3 other friends who have hotels to stay with him instead and if that's ok. I said sure but I need to check IDs. We agreed on another time in the afternoon, he ended up having one more person with him. He also wondered into another unit (they did not lock the door), freaking those people out. My units have numbers on them and the instructions are really precise.


None of our guests read. If I lowered stars for that, I would have had no guests with five stars. And with adding and taking people out- I am not sure if this was just innocent or he got caught. I do not charge for extra people so there is no reason to sneak anyone in. It was pretty inconvenient for me to have to come back in the afternoon. At that point I had my saturday afternoon planned differently but this job is full of surprises, right? I am just not sure if all of this is minor enough to let go and if not, what I should say.

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Florence, Canada

I agree that the job is full of surprises, @Inna22 , and none of this sounds bad enough that future hosts need a warning. You can put in anything appropriate about cleanliness and house rules ("XX and his group were punctual and clean"), and maybe add, "and communicated all plan-changes"? That usually says to me that some inconvenience was involved, but that it was okay in the end. Wandering into the other apartment sounds like it was a mistake, so I wouldn't mention it. Maybe it sounds like it to me because I recently walked into my daughter's neighbour's apartment by mistake. 

Hardly awkward at all. 


I am writing my own touchy review at the moment. Perhaps I will come back later and get you to vet my draft. 

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Inna22  From what I understand in your post, it doesn't really sound like he was trying to sneak in extra people, just that his party of people was kind of discombobulated as far as who was going to stay where and whether or not they actually showed up. After all, he did say he might ask 3 friends who were staying in a hotel to come and did ask if that was okay. He didn't have to respond like that if he was up to no good- he just could have said the other 2 didn't show.

Walking into the wrong unit was unfortunate, but seems like just an inattentive accident. Maybe was as uncomfortable for him as it was for the neighbors, who I'd apologize to, which you likely already have.