Hello Rebecca and the Community Team,Thank you for the warm ...
Hello Rebecca and the Community Team,Thank you for the warm welcome! I’m excited to be part of this community.I’m the host o...
Hello everyone,
We haven't had a poll in the Community Center for a while, so we thought it was about time and I'm quite intrigued to see the results! The Product Team would love to hear your feedback relating to the guest email messaging feature. This is the feature which generates a unique and anonymous email for your guest, which would resemble something like this: stephanie-dfsnsns@guest.airbnb.com and is one option to communicate with your guests.
In order to participate in this poll, simply choose 'yes', 'no' or 'sometimes' in the box below in answer to the question 'Do you use the email guest feature?' and then click 'submit'. Then write a comment below in the thread telling us more about your choice and your experience of the three options - e.g. I don't use the email guest feature, I prefer to use the Airbnb messaging tool, to keep track of my conversation.
It would also be great to hear any additional comments on this feature below. Do keep an eye out on this discussion, as we will be providing the results as more come in.
I only use the email function in those cases when a guest doesn't respond in the normal airbnb message feed inbox (and only after several attempts to reach the guest). When it happens I write a message reminding the guest to answer my messages in the airbnb message feed ASAP. I at the same time text the same message to the guest's phone number.
I do not use it. I stick to the messaging system.
@Stephanie What is the purpose of this poll? Is Airbnb considering eliminating the email option? It's obvious that those who use it do so because there is no other way to send PDFs. So unless Airbnb adds an attachment feature to the messaging, eliminating the email option would make it impossible for many hosts to convey crucial info to their guests.
Hiya @Sarah977 ,
It's up for consideration but we want to know how people are using it - what you say about attaching pdf's in messaging is something that we've heard across all the language CC's and we are in total agreement.
No action is happening regarding the email - I'll give you the results of the poll later today and let you know what the next steps will be when the appropriate team come to a decision.
Just messaging. Why complicate? Although every time I message someone now, a former guest’s name populates the top of the screen. (On my phone). Any chance of a fix?
@Stephanie I chose No as I’ve managed everything through the messaging service. I like this channel for if there is any miss communication with the guest than the paper trail is easy for AirBnB to help resolve.
I agree that the app and the desktop messaging services need to be more robust. Sending PDF’f, and emoji’s would be a nice start. =D
@Stephanie and all of my fellow hosts.
Well, the first two comments nearly reflect what I also do, but then, years before I became part of the Airbnb phenomenon, I was sending a pdf file with lots more information about our property, what we have and provide, where we are located, where Guests are able to park, on which local beaches dogs are (or aren't) allowed, and when.
I'm also able to ask what bed set up they require (we have a zip-and-link Super King bed, so can either set it up as such, or separate both base and mattress into 2 x Single beds), and as we provide (free of charge) what surely must be the biggest Welcome Pack in the world, we also ask whether anyone within their group is vegan, vegetarian, has an allergy, or is an omnivore (I used to list all of the items within the Pack, and offer alternatives for the butter, cheese, yoghurt, bacon, jam, chutney, marmalade, milk, bottled water, beer, cider, savoury biscuits, [wine], other drinks, and - when children will be staying - ice-cream (for all of the other items, we don't offer alternatives, but then being advised whether any of the Guests' follow a specific "diet" automatically tells us whether the eggs, chocolate, bread, and other items we usually include, should be included or not).
And then we include our names, the full address of our property, how to reach it using various mapping methods, as not everyone uses the same "finding" tools, and good old sat-nav isn't as accurate as other methods now available.
So we also include a map of the area showing where to park, plus a plan of the layout of our property (even though both are included amongst the images of our place, on Airbnb), and we also provide any extra details about our place we feel they would like to know - in advance of their arrival (because there's not enough space on the Airbnb website for us to include the extra information there).
Oh yes, and because Airbnb and most of the more-modern OTA's don't provide insurance, we always suggest to our Guests (and well in advance) that they are insured for their travel, including for anything "untoward" during their stay.
That my pdf file has 8 pages to it, is one thing, but apart from hinting to the recipient(s) that "matchsticks might be required to hold open their eyelids by the time they finish reading everything" (!) I also let each Guest - via Airbnb's messaging page - know that I'll be sending the pdf, then - after sending it - I message (via Airbnb) the recipient to let them know that I've sent the pdf, and suggesting that if they can't see the email c/w attachment in their inbox, that they also check their spam/junk folders.
For the majority of the time, Guests' let me know whether they've received our email (or not), but in other instances I don't get any feedback until very close to the arrival date, when I get in contact again - which is when I'm usually advised that the pdf file did arrive with them "safe & sound"
That - as mentioned at the beginning of my comment - our pdf file has always been sent to our own Guests, long before we became part of Airbnb, is one thing, but that there is another OTA with which we are part of (can't mention their name, as Airbnb will either redact their name from this comment, or might block my comments altogether) who actually allow me to attach my pdf file to their messaging page, so obviating the requirement to send an external email/file via a "strange" email address.
Recently I've been looking at the possibility of including all the pdf (contents) information on one either the "new" "Check-in Instructions" section, or within both the "House Manual" and "Directions" sections, although feel that if I were to centre on any of those methods, it would have to be the "Check-in Instructions" section, but I would have to convert some of my pdf file's pages to photos/images rather than just text. Of course, one would then have to wonder whether that particular section would actually be read, (perhaps the addition of a tick box on each page would be useful /beneficial for all concerned?) let alone that a pdf file addressed personally to the Guest and family, is more likely to be read and be useful, than maybe one that is standard to everyone?
OK, so all of the above is my own take on how I use the non-identifying Guest's email address, but like other comments, I too feel that having the ability to send our pdf file via the existing messaging service would not only be far easier, but would/should be far more secure than sending any attachment by email (besides which, I'm always amazed at how little, people don't look at or check their emails!)
OK, I'm going to go and do some proper work now, but thanks for the poll, and look forward to reading the results of same.
I normally don't use the email guest feature, I prefer to use the Airbnb messaging tool, to keep track of my conversations. However, it really sucks that I cannot send my phone number (or email) to the guests in the messaging tool, as sometimes they have a number of questions and want to get on a call. Now I have to go down and pull their Airbnb email and send an image with my personal contact details so we can connect outside of Airbnb, and that feels very convoluted, cumbersome and primitive. I think I once managed to enclose an image in the message tool on my phone, but the feature of enclosing images should also be available in the web app.
@Lilian803 You actually can send your phone number and email address to guests in Airbnb messages once they have a confirmed booking. They are only blocked on an Inquiry or before you have accepted a reservation request
Thanks Sarah, I know that. It tends to be at inquiry level that people have lots of questions, and it's at this stage I want to be able to share primarily my phone number, or get theirs, so we can connect and talk.
@Lilian803 Why can't guests simply use the messaging to ask their questions? Usually when guests ask for your phone number to ask questions, they are just trying to circumvent paying Airbnb fees and want to get you to book off-platform.
It seems to me that guests who have "a lot of questions" either haven't bothered to read through all the listing information, or the host needs to add more onfo to their listing description.
They can, but some need more info. We have one listing that is of an old cottage, and on this property we take requests only (not instant booking) as we use it a lot ourselves. We have put lots of info in the listing, and we add as we get more questions, but it's never perfect. And it may be uniquely this listing. It is also not frequent, but there are instances when they want so much more info than what is easily achievable by sending a couple of questions through the message app. None of these guests have ever tried to circumvent Airbnb, and I would not let them do that anyway. All of this would be easily solved if the messaging app (web and phone) would allow me to send whatever info I want (I am a consenting adult, thanks) and to upload files.
@Lilian803 wrote:Thanks Sarah, I know that. It tends to be at inquiry level that people have lots of questions, and it's at this stage I want to be able to share primarily my phone number, or get theirs, so we can connect and talk.
Interesting. I am delighted that guests can't call or email until they have actually booked. I can answer question in the message threads very easily, and there is a record of what was said. Plus, it allows people for whom English is not comfortable for them to use translation software or a dictionary.
I prefer the message app, but there are instances where it would have been easier to connect in other ways. The app should allow full communication (for me to include whatever info I want, and to send files/photos), or offer me the choice to display my phone number or email.
No. At this point I'm able to do everything via messages.