Hi all, I just want to let the community know regarding a re...
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Hi all, I just want to let the community know regarding a recent horrific experience we had booking a stay at the "Sunrise St...
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I primarily use Chrome (latest autoupdate on a Mac). On occasion, I receive a "caution" driven by what appears to be the algorithm that is meant to detect a guest who is trying to communicate outside the software. The first time this happened, I reported the issue by phone; the agent was unable to assist. Ultimately, I found running Safari elicited the same warning, but provided an "ignore" button that deleted the caution and allows communications inside the Airbnb envelope. It would be nice if that could be fixed. Thank you.
Hi @Doug163,
Apologies for not responding sooner here, but i appreciate you sharing your experience with us. I'm not sure I understand where the issue lies exactly though, could you tell us a bit more please? Is it the "ignore" button that seem to appear only on Safari but not Chrome?
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Sometimes the Airbnb BOTs automatically issue a warning notification on a message/booking request because they suspect someone is trying to exchange contact details off platform.
It happened to me just yesterday when a guest sent a booking request. She was not trying to pay off platform, but she was worried about her profile photo not being okay (not sure why she just didn't change the photo) and directed me to her Facebook. This guest is not a scammer, she's just inexperienced and doesn't know how the system works.
So, in order to respond, you are given two options, either to report or to ignore. I chose ignore and I was using Safari at the time. I think what @Doug163 means is that this option did not appear on Chrome and therefore you could not continue with the booking process. Of course, the same option should appear on Chrome or Safari so it's obviously a glitch.
You have correctly surmised my point.
@Huma0 It happens often for all number of reasons and is usually accompanied by removal of some communication and a flag , sometimes if personal info is being sent on messaging ,but I have never had it interfere with the booking process. I just consider it to be a heads up or an alert . Sometimes it happens when there needs to be some Id clarification or less than ideal Id, while using instant book . Its not a glitch but rather a warning . H
Thank you. I know it's not the warning per se -- but it is an issue with the overall human interface when you cannot choose to ignore the warning. That is what I reported. -- noting that the ignore button appeared in Safari but not in Chrome. Until it's fixed, I just use the Safari browser -- inconvenient but not insurmountable. Back in my days in the software industry, we encouraged reporting a glitch when found (or bug as the case may be). That's what I was doing. Certainly not a complaint. I'm a loyal fan of the Airbnb service.
I am not sure that Airbnb pays much attention to reports of technical glitches here on the CC.
Did you contact Airbnb customer services to report it? That would be the first measure as this is just a forum for hosts and guests to chat about stuff, not a way to directly reach Airbnb?
I have posted here about technical glitches myself, but only when I was getting nowhere with CS.
Yes, reported to CS as well. I've not noticed a response yet, but truthfully wasn't expecting one. It was more a bug report, not a complaint. There is a workaround. Fix when they can.
Yes, the ignore button appears on Safari but does not appear on Chrome. The issue occurs when the Airbnb system issues a warning about a prospective guest, typically if the guest asks or hints about booking outside the system. I always say no and share that the Airbnb offers very good value to both hosts and guests.