I received this response from Airbnb support. The first ques...
I received this response from Airbnb support. The first question I asked was “ what advice are you giving hosts who have seen...
Am I the only one, or has anyone else noticed that lately a lot of posts have been disappearing? Particularly those, questioning Airbnb policies, etc? There was a recent post made by someone in regards to the listing placement in Airbnb's search engine and factors that affect your placement. I can't seem to find that post anywhere. I remember that you had commented on it, @Susan17 . 😮
@Ann489 you might be right or it might be that they get shunted along so they're on page 5 or whatver.
@Mike-And-Helen0 I search high and low...no luck. Not even under my "notifications" history. This is really odd. I remember responding to your post about checking the search ranking of your listing. It seemed interesting that it showed up in different placements, depending on the browser I used(your listing ranked much higher when I was logged into my Airbnb account as opposed to using an incognito browser). I guess, someone up the ladder must have taken exception to the post. 😉
It's possible. But I also feel that searching and finding past posts on here is incredibly difficult. Basically if I don't bookmark a post it's gone forever.
I have never had anything removed from here and I certainly post lots of negative stuff on Airbnb @Ann489
The only posts i have seen removed here are spam posts or those posts who break the rules of this community forum.
@Helen3 Over the last two years, I have seen several posts mysteriously disappear. I was not the OP...I believe one of the Wendys was. What is curious to me is the fact that if the post was still around, it should show under my history--especially, since I made several comments on it and "kudoed" some of the responses. I'm not suggesting any "conspiracy theories"...I'm just curious as to what has happened here. That's all. 😉
I'm curious....I don't think the OP can delete a post, can they?
@Ann489 Yes, I noticed a couple of my responses disappeared from a thread several days ago. They were innocuous, nothing critical of Airbnb, altho I certainly write a lot of those 🙂 So maybe there was a glitch here at one point that ended up disappearing some posts.
@Sarah977 Given the regular glitches that we seem to experience with this forum, your explanation sounds very plausible, Sarah! 😉 I felt a little like I was losing my mind when I couldn't find the thread anywhere--not even under my notifications/activity!