Potential Free 3 Day Rentals for "New" Guests, any property at owners expense.

Level 6
Dallas, TX

Potential Free 3 Day Rentals for "New" Guests, any property at owners expense.

Has anyone had issues with the banner Abnb placed on listings that allows guests 3 days to report issues to get a full refund?  Many guests create multiple accounts. So a guest can stay 3 nights, then report they are not satisfied with the listing. Abnb will either offer a different place or issue full refund. Guest can say they did not need additional nights and get a full refund.  No hotel or rental has such a policy. If I check into a hotel, its understood that I need to report issues right away.  This is not fair to hosts who have only 1 property, maintain highest standards, and depend on this income. It's not fair to any host.

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Victoria, Australia

@Kathy842 this has been discussed ad finitum in many threads . It is due to kick in on the first of June . It is not exactly as you portray but certainly has raised the hackles of many ,Most people simply say that the first time that aAirbnb try to remove money from them will be the last time they host.theonly counter intuitive value I can see is that the crooks ' that is those who are staying for only a nefarious reason and intend before arrival to see a refund will be 'out in the open ' and even more blatent ,so possibly the nitwits at airbnb will be able to see them , because this type of rort already happens but those doing it ,while manufacturing evidence against the hosts will be more careless.this can only add to those lovely guests who damage things, hide them and pretend ignorance,who are the major problem currently, along with those who , do not read rules or expect concierge services or mini bars or maids. Yes , this has been sent to try us, but some people have lost all income current and future through suspensions because of complaints by guests. All the best H

Level 10
Yulee, FL

@Kathy842 I am personally struggling with reducing my days down to 3 because of this. For the summer I can usually require 7 days and then reduce down from there for off-season. I am afraid to do this now because of what you mention. If I reduce down to 3 day weekends, AirBnB doesn't even send me the money until the next day after they check in, sometime longer. Then they've had their keycode access and full run of my house and can pretty much make up anything with a staged photo, not communicate with me and then get a refund from Airbnb if the wifi goes out due to weather or something. Not right of Airbnb. I agree: "No hotel or rental has such a policy. If I check into a hotel, its understood that I need to report issues right away.  This is not fair to hosts who have only 1 property, maintain highest standards, and depend on this income. It's not fair to any host." AND no vacation rental company allows this. I took the stance already as they do. No refunds. Guest is required to communicate any problems day one - to me and it will be remedied asap and within the 72 hours. At any rate, I feel I cannot safely take guests from Airbnb for anything less than 5 days, but 2-3 days is typical for offseason.  

Level 10
Chicago, IL

I just stayed at a place completely not as described with missing amenities, reported immediately, heard back days later (so no option to be moved unless I front the money and hope to get something back) and eventually got 30 percent back. Yes, there might be some horror stories but I am sure there are just as many horror stories on the guest side. You have nothing to worry about