BEWARE Elijah Gittens is a SCAD student and he damaged so mu...
BEWARE Elijah Gittens is a SCAD student and he damaged so much property, moved furniture around , not following rules, then h...
The Price Calculator is a well hidden feature inside the calender. It shows you (the host) in detail what guests have to pay for a selected time period, and also what you will be earning. But using it today I noticed a glitch:
It does not add VAT to the Guest Service Fee !
i do not have to pay VAT on the Host Service fee (due to having a business account), but offcourse the guests have to pay VAT !
So the Price Calculator assumes i am going to book my own listing ?
@Emiel1 Isn't the VAT on the next line down immediately below guest service fee?
That is the VAT (+ the Tourist tax) added to the renting price (9% VAT in The Netherlands for accomodations when having a business account).
When I anonymous (not logged in) simulate a booking for same dates, i get the right price (the Airbnb Guest Service fee is now including VAT (21 %):
It is a glitch in the Price Calculator.
@Emiel1 I hope you sortes this out 🙂 I am interested to know does ABB sends you VAT?
Airbnb need to make the PriceCalculator reliable and easier to find !
it use it especially for creating special offers.
Your question:
Yes, every reservation has two payouts:
1 Accomodation price minus the host fee (3%, without 21% VAT charged on the host fee to me because of business account)
2. The VAT on the accomodation price (9%) and the Tourist Tax (in the above example total Euro 18,-)
@Emiel1 so, you get accommodation price - host fee 3% - 21% VAT on the host fee
but do you also get The VAT on the accommodation price (9%) and the Tourist Tax?