Hi everyone,I have a guest who faced some issues during thei...
Hi everyone,I have a guest who faced some issues during their stay and is now requesting a partial refund. The concerns they ...
Hi, I hope someone can help. I'm at my wits end.
I don't have smart pricing on and I have not set a discount for monthly stay. I have even set max 7 nights stay and anything longer needs to be manually reviewed.
I ensured the above was done because previously I did not set max length of stay and a guest instant booked for a 30 night stay and horror of horrors, the price he was quoted and booked at was 40 per cent of actual total price, that is, a whopping 60 per cent discount! I tried contacting support but each time it 'timed out' and there was no actual option available on how to be contacted. (See screengrabs) So that meant going round in a loop until the case was closed with no resolution. In the meantime, I requoted guest correct price with a discount. The guest cancelled anyway and suggested I rectify the monthly price. If only he knew that the so-called error is through nothing I had done, and not only that, did not know what happened.
And today, I received enquiry for another 30 night stay and again, at almost 60 per cent discount. Again, I'm going round in circles trying to get support.
Has anyone else who has experienced this problem managed to get a resolution and if so, share what exactly is going on when this weirdness happens? It annoys me to have to explain that Airbnb seems to have a glitch and is randomly offering unauthorised discounts, and I'm not trying to take my potential guest for a ride by claiming that what's been quoted is wrong.
Please help if you can.
Thank you!
1) After "select a contact method"...
2)... you get this
???? Airbnb's equivalent to putting you on hold listening to elevator music....
3)... and then... they hang up
Of course that's what they're pointing to @Frances52. 🤦♂️ Plus no ability to do math (although discounts are heaped on top of each other so who knows, 10% here, 20% there, and voila, 60%).
I can see promotions as far back as 2017, but I can't delete them. What's the point of CS bringing it up? They need to find a current promotion and give you access to it. But it's clear you're caught in a glitch. So frustrating, and I hope it goes away soon!
I was about to sign off, but thought of one more thing - a temporary measure until this gets sorted. My maximum is 7 days, but I allow guests to request longer stays. You probably have the same thing set up. But the problem right now is that a guest can choose 30 days and see the erroneous discount and think he's hit the jackpot. Then it's awkward to tell him no, that's not the price. So for the time being, maybe consider removing the ability to ask you about longer stays? They won't be able to choose and put in a reservation request for more than 7 days. But they can always put in an inquiry about something longer. You would then have to ask them to make several bookings in a row. It's really about managing guests and their price expectations right now, until it gets sorted out.
I suggest to check your listing for correct pricing.
You probably have set a fixed price for specific months and/or weeks, which can be found in the discount section.
Also you should set your maximum stay to a value lower then 28 nights, to prevent getting "long term stays". If you are on "Instant Book", better turn it off to have manual control over the booking requests.
I looked at your listing and notice your max stay is not set to 1 week (as you mentioned).
Better limit to 27 nights and correct discounts set for monthly stays.
Thank you. That is very odd because on my settings I definitely have max stay limited to 7 nights. Completely baffled.
Am I doing something wrong here?
It isn't that I don't want people to book for more than 7 nights. It's that I want to vet them.
I didn't specify a monthly discount - I thought this would mean that Airbnb would not then be able to arbitrarily apply a discount. Apparently I'm wrong.
I'm still not quite clear how to do this?
Check your booking settings again, maybe on a web browser vs. app & vice versa. I just checked your listing & it would’ve let me book 30 days at an about 50% discount.
I've set to max 7 days on setting
And I did not set discount for monthly stays
Am I missing something in my settings?
Thank you for your help
Checked using a friend's phone and this came up - 61% discount supposedly!!! Crazy. And Airbnb support is non existent
What guests see above
What I have in settings
As i mentioned previously:
You probably have set a fixed price for specific months and/or weeks, which can be found in the discount section. This is NOT the same as the monthly discount percentage !
You also can have set discounts in a rule set (if you are using them) for specific time periods.
Thank you. I'm sorry but is it possible to do a screen grab of 'discount section' you mentioned? As I don't see where this is. I also haven't set different pricing for specific time frames. It's just same nightly rate all year round.
@Frances52 There is another place - but you might need to do this on a desktop.
Go to your calendar and look to the right for this box:
Click Promotions and scroll down:
Click Show past promotions and fingers crossed you'll find it there. If it's there, you can delete it:
(Even if it's ongoing, it's called a "past promotion.")
Thank you so much for trying to help. Alas, I have no past promotions either... drats!
Airbnb sucks!
I finally got through to supposedly 'dedicated Superhost support team' by Googling 'dedicated Superhost support' because having tried 6 times in the past on app to get through to support I gave up. (The link, for anyone interested is: https://www.airbnb.co.uk/resources/hosting-homes/a/get-fast-expert-help-with-dedicated-superhost-sup... -- and you click on 'Get Support' button at bottom, good luck. I received a call back within 24 hours -- however, all that that team member was able to do was confirm my issue (basically by repeating everything I had messaged support about) and then, he said he would get help from tech dept because it appeared to be a tech problem. That was last Tuesday, 7 days ago... Useless.
Tried to pore through every part of my listing to see where the glitch is. No promotion set. No monthly discount set. No different pricing for specific time periods set. Just one same pricing all year round. Only one discount set for weekly bookings at 10%.
On desktop, checked out the new preview option to see what guests see if booking 28 days. Then checked using friend's mobile to reserve a 28 day stay. Same story. Airbnb auto applies 60% discount. Argh.
Hello @Frances52 My name is Monica and I am a new host, experiencing the exact same issue… extremely high price
i am not using smart pricing only have a 10 percent weekly promotion. Called help desk 3 times they are telling me that my price is showing correct. I have several friends checking as travelers and get the high price.
What should I do?
I tried to log out and log back in, clear cookies,