Hi my name is Nirmal. Anyone interested in saleing esim?
Hi my name is Nirmal. Anyone interested in saleing esim?
Super host here for 6 years and have ovwer 20 properties, have over 600 reviews and average 4.9 stars. In other words we do everything right as a host. We file very few claims based on the percentage of guests and properties we have. We have two claims with Airbnb right now and they will not communicate and they just keep closing the cases. No one works on them, not one communicates and no one calls even though each case has iron clad photos and was submitted to airbnb on time the day the guest checked out with extensive written documentation and verbal from our calls. One case is 1 month old the other 4 months old and I am owed about $1300 between the two of them. I cannot speak to any any claims manager or supervisor in claims. They front line support ambassadors have promised me about 25 times a supervisor will call me and they value me as a super host and yet here I am months of no calls. Has anyone had similar issues and has anyone been able to find a solution to Airbnb claims not communicating properly and not paying out valid claims with supporting photos? Thanks in advance for any input.
This is what i experienced
@Marielbys0 The answer is most likely yes, but did you try to resolve first with the guest. And do you mind sharing the type of damages you are claiming?
Yes of course and guest in one case paid partial, in the other case guest refused to pay for anything. Offenses in both cases were rules violations with many guests over teh reservation amount and we charge a nightly fee for guests over 5, in once case we have 6 max peolpe and guest brought about 10-12, lots of damages, taking inside furniture outside leaving in rain, hole in screen door, stains to bath mat, 5 broken wine glasses , scuffed and gouged walls, broken lamp, one guest brough a pet bird that pooped and left feathers in our house and beds etc etc etc, all proven in photos and airbnb just ignores the cases from the claims department for months. We deal with well over 1000 guests per year not counting inquiries and we have seen it all, never however have a seen the claims department process communicate so poorly than the past 6 months. I am sure upper management whom no host can reach, has any idea what people in that department are doing or lack of doing is a better way to put it.
@Marielbys0 I had experienced a similar issue when I made my first claim at one of my properties. I don't know why/how it happened, but the guest had tipped over a can/container of motor oil onto the carpet in their bedroom, tracked it everywhere, and failed to say anything till check out, so the smell permeated other areas. The evidence was overwhelming and like your case, was documented with multiple clear photos, yet they fought me tooth and nail.
I wish I had a more concrete answer for you, but I just stayed on them. I called daily, sometimes more than once, I requested different case managers and I called their cooperate line (855) 424-7262. I have also heard reaching out to them publicly on platforms such as twitter gets a faster more efficient response. The inherent issue is that all their ambassadors are usually working in call centers somewhere and know nothing about Airbnb. They simply read off prompters so to speak.
On a side note, your photo looked familiar and I realized I have your property Eden hill saved in Exuma. I plan to book it when I travel there in a few months.
Hope you are able to resolve this issue
Do you have a different corporate phone? that simply connects a host to the standard call centers. I have been calling about 25 times over 4 months. Of course it should never work like this. if a guest or a host provides undeniable proof a claim either way should be paid and closed quickly. Sure reach out when you would like to rent our Exuma home...it's beautiful little cottage and very popular.
Same issue here. I had my first month long guest and asked them to accept an additional cleaning fee to allow weekly linen changes AS CONDITION OF MY ACCEPTANCE OF THEIR RESERVATION. They happily accepted but refused to pay. My housekeeper arrived each Sunday to change the linens. (3 bedrooms + bath and pool towels). After they left, my caretaker sent horrible photos showing the state of my kitchen appliances, barbecue, bathrooms, etc.
i contacted air bnb to submit my claim and they wanted photos, invoices of the cleaning, etc. I provided all - nearly €600 euros in my cost. They gave me ‘€45 and stated that’s the best they could do based on their policies. The most infuriating part is every response was entirely scripted and not once did they answer any of my questions.
i am currently looking into other hosting options because this is not the first time they’ve supported the guest and not the host. I have hosted with them for four years - super host status, all positive reviews and yet they’re siding with the guest - who’s biggest complaint was slow internet. (In rural France, no less!)